Beach volleyball is Sexxxxy

Beach volleyball is the best sport of the Olympics. To bad it's over. What do you peeps think of beach volleyball. I think we need a provider volleyball team. I'd love to see that.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Si.. very sexxy
Topless beach volleyball?
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Better yet nude volleyball,I'll help apply the suntan lotion..........
Heehee I'll bring the bellyball.....oops...meant volleyball!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Beach volleyball? Yuck! The gals wear all those shorty-short bikinis....they're all tanned, toned, and teasing. Bottoms all creeping up their sweaty cracks....sand errwhere. Bleh!

(and if you believe that bullshit...I've got a catfish farm and two bridges to sell ya')

Now as far as the 'vider team...I'm afraid that even the Special Olympics would say that they're special. TFF!



Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Thanks for the visuals SKF,especially the second
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
Agreed! Best Sport Evah! It's optical heaven. Combine two of the coolest things a man could possibly be observing right now: Althletic, hot, female bods + Sports action and "fighting to the death". It's man-cooler than hunting or blowing sh!t up....

And I LOVE how those ladies just establish that they are crazy sexy, then put it from their minds, forget about it and focus completely on their sport, and "fighting to the death". Those chicks are INTENSE! (Then when they have breathing time, waiting to serve and what not, they revert back to channel 1 and tease it up, intentionally sticking their asses out and giving those hand signals. Like, "Hey here's the play partner. P.S. Did y'all watching forget how sexy we are? Just checking.....")
Ditto to all said. Does anyone have anymore wonderful pics like that.

They can spike me anytime............. Or should that be the other way around....

Oh well, either way it would be fun.