Republicans........Don't buy into this bullshit!!

When ultra liberal news agencies start promoting a 3d party candidate for your party, they only have one agenda.

Split the Republican Vote.

Don't fall for it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The libertarians need to do like the commies and socialists have done and take over the party.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The "media" doesn't have to do anything to split the Republican vote. The Tea Party and Trump have already done that.
  • DSK
  • 03-28-2016, 06:08 PM Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Pretty good article. This election either is going to be a cakewalk for Hillary, or the shock of the century with Trump winning, which unfortunately looks very unlikely, much as I hate to admit it.

If Hillary gets elected with the Senate and the House on her side, it might become illegal to have sex with a woman unless she signs a consent form!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Gary Johnson is polling at 11%, and that's while being ignored by the media. If he could get a fair shake from the press, which he won't, this could be a much more interesting election.
Gary Johnson is polling at 11%, and that's while being ignored by the media. If he could get a fair shake from the press, which he won't, this could be a much more interesting election. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Is there anyone who is in Hillary Clinton's camp who will vote for Gary Johnson?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Johnson may be the only alternative to Trump for many who can't vote for Hillary.
  • DSK
  • 03-29-2016, 10:55 AM
Johnson may be the only alternative to Trump for many who can't vote for Hillary. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
True, he might get plenty of votes under the circumstances, and give the election to Hillary.
Johnson may be the only alternative to Trump for many who can't vote for Hillary. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The Democrat Nominee, who ever it is, will be guaranteed 40 percent of the vote right out of the gate, with large percentages in big liberal States where the Electorial Votes are huge.

No 3d party candidate will change that percentage in 2016. Get some dipshit 3d party to syphon 20 percent of the popular vote, and the Electorial Vote goes to the Democrats, because of those big States that are rich in Electorial Votes, and will give the Democrats 40 percent needed in a winner take all scenario.

The only thing that could throw a monkey wrench into the gears is if Hillary gets indicted. The Democrats will figure out some way to keep Bernie from being the nominee, turning to Warren or Biden.

Then, all bets are off.
Would be interesting if the media includes the Lib candidate in the fall debates. If his popularity rises, don't see how they could ignore him.

Probably still lots of undecideds out there. Can't stand the thought of voting for a bitch or Hitler.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Or a Librarian.

He's late to the party...

Why Mattis Won’t Be President
By ALEXANDER MCCOY on March 28, 2016

A recent Daily Beast article called for Mattis to run for president, but he can’t save us from Trump and Clinton.
Marine Corps Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis himself once said, “You can’t allow people to avoid the brutal facts. They start living in a dream world, it’s going to be bad.”

One person living in a dream world is former Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney national security advisor John Noonan, who published an article in The Daily Beast suggesting that “this man [Mattis] can save us from Trump—and Clinton.” While Mattis has served his country with distinction, the idea that he could become president in 2016 is nothing more than wishful thinking.


For one, it is probably too late for Mattis to get on the ballot in many states. In a March 18 interview with Vox, Elaine Kamarck, director of the Center for Effective Public Management at the Brookings Institution and author of the excellent political guidebook “Primary Politics,” said, “There’s almost no way [an independent candidate] can still get on the ballots. I don’t know what people are smoking. This is truly a pipe dream.”

Getting Mattis on the ballot in all 50 states would require collecting nearly a million signatures from voters across the country, according to an analysis by Ballotpedia. The first deadlines are rapidly approaching, with Texas (80,000 signatures) arriving first on May 9, followed by North Carolina (also 80,000 signatures) a month later on June 9, and then the rest of the country in a flood of deadlines throughout July and August. The sheer scale of this effort makes it nearly impossible for an independent candidate to mount a serious campaign with such a late start. A write-in campaign would be even more difficult to organize, and seven states ban them altogether. A prospective “Mattis for America” campaign would spend so much time, money, and energy simply trying to get on the ballot, they wouldn’t be able to focus on persuading voters to choose him once those ballots get handed out.

Furthermore, the effort to convince the public to vote for Mattis would be far more challenging than Noonan pretends. Noonan attempts to compare Mattis to former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, but this comparison is seriously flawed. Eisenhower was the official nominee of the Republican Party, having won the Republican primary. In a general election with Donald Trump as the Republican nominee, Mattis would not benefit from the Republican party apparatus working on his behalf, Trump would. It is unclear where Noonan expects Mattis, a political novice, to find funding or experienced staff to help him with his campaign. There is a reason why most real and potential independent candidates such as Ross Perot and Michael Bloomberg are extremely rich; they have to be.

Mattis would have to work hard and spend a great deal of money in order to tell voters who he is in time for the election. Outside of the military community, Mattis has next to no name recognition. And the military community is much smaller today than it was in Eisenhower’s time, when more than 9% of Americans fought in World War II. Eisenhower was well-known to the public as the supreme allied commander who led us to victory over the Nazis. Mattis is a brilliant general, but his legacy is less singular than Eisenhower’s. He was merely one general among many who have served in key roles in the War on Terror, and he cannot claim to have seen the war to its conclusion like Eisenhower could.

The Iraq War is also not exactly a glorious, decisive victory like World War II, despite the accomplishments of Mattis and the brave troops who fought under his command. It is unclear how producing a general who commanded our forces in Iraq will resonate with voters when voting for the Iraq War is a liability among liberals and is denounced as a disastrous boondoggle even by conservatives. No one blames the military for the outcome of Iraq, but neither is it a legacy of success on which to base a presidential campaign.

Yet candidate Mattis would have little else to run on. As Michael Bloomberg discovered, there is little ideological room on the left in the race for a candidate more centrist than presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Nor is Clinton’s base particularly eager for an alternative. While she is loathed by conservatives, Clinton is actually quite popular among Democrats and most Democratic voters tell pollsters they would be satisfied with her as her nominee. Candidate Mattis would draw votes almost exclusively from among the ranks of conservatives unhappy with Trump, which would simply increase the chances of a Clinton victory. It is difficult to imagine why Democratic-leaning voters would abandon a certain victory in order to choose Mattis in the hopes of a stalemate that will be decided in the House of Representatives with unknown results. Noonan cites a supposed “enthusiasm gap” in the Democratic primary, based on comparative voter turnout rates, but there is actually no evidence that turnout in the primary correlates with turnout in the general election.

On the Republican side, despite outcry from political establishment, polls show there isn’t a particularly large anti-Trump sentiment among voters either. A recent New York Times poll found that only 17% of Republican voters would “not support Donald Trump if he were the Republican nominee.” The same poll found that support for Trump was actually more enthusiastic than support for his chief rival, Ted Cruz. Nineteen percent of Republicans said they would refuse to support Cruz if he were the nominee, while only 29% said they would “enthusiastically support Ted Cruz,” compared to 35% for Trump.

Furthermore, while there are real concerns about foreign policy challenges like ISIS, this has largely been an election about domestic issues like the economy, income inequality, health care, immigration, and race relations. Many of the presidential debates have given little attention to foreign policy and defense, and voters do not list national security as being among the top issues they care about most. There is, simply put, no large constituency of voters interested in a military general as an alternative candidate, whether that be Mattis, or anyone else.

A Mattis campaign would bear no resemblance to Eisenhower’s landslide victory in 1952. Instead, it would be like more recent campaigns such as Gen. Wesley Clark’s embarrassing showing in 2004, or former Sen. Jim Webb’s 2016 campaign for the Democratic nomination, which failed to gain any traction.

Marines like me will always hold Mattis in high regard, but the Warrior Monk will not be the next president of the United States. Those are the brutal facts. It’s time for John Noonan to stop living in a dream world.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Is there anyone who is in Hillary Clinton's camp who will vote for Gary Johnson? Originally Posted by Jackie S
I'd expect more than a few from Bernie to join the cause after he gets screwed by the Democrats. I don't expect any current Hillary supporters to defect unless she is indicted. And they'll still vote for whoever the Democrat Establishment choose for them. I'd expect a smaller percentage of Trump voters to join the cause after the Republicans screw him. I think they'll just drop out. But if Johnson can poll enough so they can't keep him out of the debates, all bets are off. It could be huge for Libertarians. The problem is that Johnson is not a showman. He's just smarter than the others.
southtown4488's Avatar
Republicans created Trump. . . now they have to live with it. Well deserved.