We're all evolved from filthy monkey men
Originally Posted by WombRaider
So when you and your Daddy / brother had some familia time together, did tu cabrones try to figure out when "spanking your monkey" turned into spanking THEIR monkey" down at the gloryholes and how tu familia made that into a familia business and franchised the operation to be rivaled only by McDonalds ? Did your pobre mojado abuelo start the familia out on the path to cum guzzling glory ? Or was it tu abula, chapete ? Tell us the "social dumbascraps" story of how the woomby familia got run out of Me-ji-co and came ( not cum, pendejo ! ) to Arkansas to becum then Gloryhole Gurus in 1 or 2 generations !! Rewrite history like we know you will woomby ! How your abuelo " dodged fire from those pinche Texas Rangers " ( pre Chuck Norris, of course ! ) to now you being " a freelance writer of travel brochures, an inventor of apps for cell phones, how YOU retired early ( like most short-bus riders do ) and how you're now the recognized Guru of the Gloryholes for ALL of Arkansas ! Are you still waiting on that "official" blessing from the state's " Native Son " and most famous convicted sexual predator and ONLY the second EVER President to face impeachment proceedings before you expand further through out ArkansASS !!! Think of the money you can make at the 'holes then woomby !!!!! Might bring a tear to your eye when you remember the first time Momma / SEEster told you to blow a MAN for 50 cents and the blow-JOB wasn't done until you took that "ropey load " !! Look at all the money from the publishing rights and movie rights !! Hell , if someone can make money off of Forrest Gump, then the story of Woomby ought to sell REEEEAL well !!!!! " Box of Chocolates hell ! For you, your line will be "' Stall of Dicks ! Hell woomby, with all that money, you can " upgrade " your quality and fit of your Depends !!! Maybe buy a helmet to prevent any MORE Drain Bamage !!! Better knee pads ? Better lighting, to better see those "jalapeno " dicks that you SOOOO love !
It could be a best seller woomby ! Especially since your gente can now step out of the closet and swishy walk everywhere and anywhere in your rainbow thongs and your rainbow feather boas ( and nothing else ) right into any court in the Estado Unida ( ' cept a certain county in Kentucky ! ) and DEMAND to get " married "