I have a peaked intrigue with this, and am aroused by blood. Do you think blood-letting is too risky to perform in a session? Perhaps a consent form should be signed beforehand...
Originally Posted by AO.
I like the idea of a consent form if only to somewhat protect you if something does go wrong or the client/friend/acquantance suddenly decides to sue you because of damage or abuse or whatever else might come up.
In some of my classes that I attend at kink functions, contracts are mentioned. But I don't know how well that they could protect you but a consent form couldn't hurt!!!
Charges being brought against a person happens more than we might think. A rough scene, someone gets pretty bruised up and more and then suddenly, the police are brought in. I have also heard of people being sent to prison when scenes go wrong and something dire happens. It will change a person's life forever.
Sure. HIV and the other diseases are a concern. A lot. Use gloves and don't do anything dumb without some training or the very least, reading a lot.
This is an area that I find intriquing but I know nothing about. I've been in a few medical rooms in dungeon areas and felt close to fainting and had to leave. So that tells you a little bit about myself.
But when I HAVE seen the few that I have ... there have been gloves worn, alcohol, sterile gauze and a very sanitary environment. Under those circumstances, and with some know-how, I can see how it could be erotic.
The thin lines of cutting with a razor is something that I might actually consider trying. Probably NEVER with someone who is a client but with someone who is in the lifestyle.
I would do A LOT with an experienced lifestyle player that I wouldn't delve into in this sphere. But that's just me. You would probably find a lot of very excellent clients if you offered that service.
These are my thoughts.
Thanks for presenting this topic. It's a really good one!