equal time dept : Dead John Jokes.

"What three words could have saved John Belushi's life?"
"No Coke, Pepsi!"

What do you call John Denver at the bottom of ocean?
A good start.

John Denver's last email: "Who the hell moved the Bermuda Triangle."

What was John Denvers last hit?
A scotch, a beer chaser and the Pacific Ocean.

Mrs Murphy is looking for the grave of her late husband (a notorious criminal) as it has been a while since she was there. she goes to the cemetery's management office and says "I am looking for my husbands grave" "Ok madam", say"s the director"What was his name?" "John Murphy" she answers. He looks through his large book for quite a time and says "sorry there are no John Murphys in our cemetery, nothing but one Mary murphy". The woman brightens up and says "Of course that it, everything was in my name"

Why did John Lennon get shot?
Yoko ducked.

What was John's last hit?
The pavement.