The meaning behind your handle

I'm in an inquisitive mood at the moment and was just thinking what are the stories behind the screen names of the fine ladies and gentlemen here.

Mine is Jeff Spicoli. He is a character in the movie "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" played by Sean Penn. This movie and Spicoli pretty much summed up my 20's....wake and baked....went to work....and baked some more after work. Instead of surfing like Spicoli, I played baseball 3-4 nights a week. The number 9 was my number in baseball all throughout my 30 plus years of playing competitively.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I hate to speak in the 3rd person but the fame of Sistine Chapel lies mainly in the frescos that decorate the interior of my mind and my soul, and most particularly my heart and the Last Judgement conferred upon me by Michelangelo.

As I prep for my daily sins (a mix of good and bad deeds) I use this as motivation:

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Hat tip to Satchel Paige...there's always some shitbird(s) gaining ground on our 6.
Solemate62's Avatar
See Avatar. The '62' was my age when I first coined the Handle 'Solemate62'..9 years ago!
Oralist's Avatar
Mine is self explanatory.
Rodrigo Borgia AKA Pope Alexander VI,interesting character to say the least, read a book based on him by Mario Puzo.
Oh yeah and Spicoli was awesome in that movie! "We can fix it, my dads a tv repairman and has the ultimate set of tools"
A phenomenal French wine shared one Indian Summer evening many moons ago with a really phenomenal lady.
<----- Self explanatory
Fishpie's Avatar
I have no idea. I used a random name generator.
Fallout4's Avatar
The game I was playing when created the handle
I get asked this a lot!
My name came from the short sexy version of my name "NIKKI" then I decided the sloppy bj girl needed a whole name,because there's too many nikki's (now one too many Nikki Sixx's) there used to be a character on a soap opera who switched personality her name was Nikki or Vikki, so I combined the two and added my favorite number...6.
I had dreams if opening my escort agency, and I was going to call it NVS...envious escorts. ...

So,that's how I got MY name.
Long story but I'll try to condense it. My wife was in an accident four years ago. Paralyzed from the waist down. Needless to say a lot of stress and after a near divorce and a year of counseling the issues were: sudden change in both our lifestyles. me being the sole provider even after the insurance settlement. healthcare. no kids unless we adopt now. her loss of independence to a certain degree. and no more traditional sex.

Counselor recommended a sexual saragate, but Texas isn't keen on that. hop. skip. and we found a compromise so here I am. So I have permission to look elsewhere.
lizardking's Avatar
It was a sort of nickname I had when I played in a band back in the 60s. I wrote a poem about it.
deadeyes's Avatar
I was in the army infantry a while back. Killing it at the range every time so combat buddies gave me that name.