WTF is taking so long, FireSerpent?!

Normally, I like to think I'm fairly efficient when it comes to moderating our corner of this site. However, lately, I've been getting a lot of messages wondering if I'm asleep on the job.

Just want you guys to know what's up and that my recent slow response to things have been because of matters beyond my control. The moderators & admins are beta testing a mobile version of the site in order to make things easier for people who use this site from a mobile device. If you're a P.A, Registered Member or VP, you won't have noticed any changes when signing on to the site on a mobile device.

Since we're still working out the bugs and the feature support is mostly geared towards the average site user, moderation functionality has not yet been implemented as a feature. Meaning, all the things a moderator does on the site (besides reply to emails and forum posts) can not be done under the current mobile version. And, since I do about 85% of my moderation from my phone, this has resulted in a much slower response than you guys are probably used to from me.

I would like to ask you guys to be patient while this gets worked out. If your review has not been approved or rejected, or if your recent review has not been assigned to a provider, you do not need to RTM or PM me asking what's up unless it has been over 72 hours. In which case, I'll most likely have already sought assistance from a fellow moderator and they haven't gotten around to it yet as well.

I still do my best to respond to all action items during the start of the day and between 5:30-7pm in the evenings during the week when I am home. However, this may not always be possible. Just letting you guys know.

Poppa Joe's Avatar
Fire keep up the good work . Thank You for the explanation .
Sens55's Avatar
Whatever...excuses, excuses...

JK. Keep it up. I'd NEVER do the job for the money you're not making doing it...haha
And here we thought you were just whacking off
Nah probably to busy taking models photos lol
Isn't there a way to opt out of the mobile version?
Isn't there a way to opt out of the mobile version? Originally Posted by royamcr
Unfortunately not.
And here we thought you were just whacking off Originally Posted by ekim008
ampad's Avatar
  • ampad
  • 11-20-2011, 08:30 AM
Unfortunately not. Originally Posted by FireSerpent
Depending on what platform / application you are using for browsing you may be able to skip the mobile version. For example Firefox Mobile has an addon named Phony which allows you to change the User-Agent header on-the-fly. This will allow you to keep beta testing the mobile version and if you need access to some of the missing functionality you just switch up the user agent and reload the page.
I use dolphin browser for android. I see no changes. In dolphin settings you can choose your preffered user agent.
ElumEno's Avatar
I use skyfire for android, you can choise between android or desktop browsers.

P.S. What does it take to get you some help?