Amber White and Her Unprofessional Assistant

Okay, I contacted Amber days before she was in Richmond. I wanted to see her desperately. She seemed nice at first but that changed once she arrived. I had everything I needed besides references. Eventually, she denied my appointment based on the tone of my emails. This.... after hours of attempting to play middle man and set up the appointment with her assistant as well as her. I tried to get 2 references. One of them did not respond for a long time. I decided to use another and contacted her with the additional info.

I told her the other reference which I have proof stated: she never received anything from her assistant. Amber stated: I questioned her assistants professionalism and based on that. She cancelled! Huh? I am telling you what another provider stated. How is that my tone or me questioning her unprofessionalism. I did not think she was unprofessional at first but I do now.
Hobbyist and Providers,

I will start by saying I have put multiple hours into my website. I have a very detailed information on each page so that time is not wasted, and so that there is never any confusion in the screening process.

Now, for the facts.<name edited out...RL> , Aka Alias77 first email was constant E-mails rushing my assistant, Kimberley. Her response times were 15 minutes, 4, 1, 1.. She is very thorough, and she even sent all of the screening information to him, AGAIN. I have made it clear to her that if all information is not included she does not even have to respond. He stated that he has reviewed 30 people...which is not even accepted for my screening requirements.

We had not even heard back from his references when I decided he was rushing her, and ignoring the fact that he had to wait on his references to reply. Along with the fact of his first mistake: pure ignorance.

If you are planning on seeing a provider, please please please, let her know you are using her for a reference. It makes this process goes very smooth.
Also, if you plan on meeting me...Read my website requirements so that I don't feel the need to deny you so quickly.

Kimberley and I like the free time we have and do not like wasting it on anybody who decides that they are entitled to being accepted for an appointment.

I hope that <name edited out...RL> here does not create a pattern in the Hobby world... but the first amendment is a fantastic one.
Let freedom ring!

Stay Positive,
Amber White of Atlanta
First i never felt i was entitled to anything. Lie! Second i was attempting to expedite the process by playing the middle man. You and your assistant developed an attitude and claimed i stated she didnt do her job when in fact i simply stated the provider you contacted told me she never received anything from you. Lies! Once again... rude and unprofessional. I dont appreciate your lies and if it was not for this board and its rules. I would expose you for the lies you continue to spread. I dont tell lies. I have huve balls. I dont have to lie about nothing.

Stay Positive
Also freedom comes with rules and you just blatantly gave out a hobbyist so-called name on this board. Another example of unprofessionalism. Keep talking. You are doing great!
guest071618-1's Avatar
and she is banned that sux because she does look good