Stupid ads and such

Every time I log into the site, I collapse all the "ads" and such. But whenever I go to another forum or whatever, it does not save my setting and I have to keep clicking on those damn things to not be forced to see crap I don't want to see. Is there a way to make it remember my settings so that I don't have to collapse them every stinking time?


OK....sounds like a problem with a setting on your "pop-up blocker"....but I am sure someone here is an expert....
jframe2's Avatar
Technically the ads in the sidebar are not pop-ups. More than likely they are scripted into the page. An interesting observation is that when I go to the site from my smart phone, the sidebar ads are not there.

I am pretty good at this and gave up trying to shut them down a long time ago. I imagine the site-owner is preventing the absolute closing because they are getting revenue from the ads and the advertisers want their ads to be seen.

For comparison with the OP, I use Firefox, set to private browsing with several privacy add-ons enabled.

Somethings you just gotta live with.
You should be using Ad Blocker Plus plugin for Firefox. I haven't seen an ad on Eccie for months. Just right-click on the add and block and you will NEVER see that blinking and flashing annoying ad again.