ATTenTioN: SorRy FoR ConFuSioN

This is my response to the Review

I was Late.. Yes, i was! I had my girlfriend Taylor let him in... (so he wouldn't have to wait late at night in the parking lot) So, She calls me and tells me what happened. I'm like shit** Here we Go!**
I Call him trying to explain that i was still in route but would be a few minutes. He wasn't happy.. Understandable.. I thought i was gonna make it ! I believe this is & was a miss understanding. I admit that in the past i have had a little "checkered past"..
Since i've been back i have been 100 %.. Sometimes when things go a little wrong ... I just don't deal with them. I spoke and got advice from a member and he said this is what i needed to do. I have changed and it will show in time. I can't change what happened.* I WOULD IF I COULD!
Sometimes things get blown up! I believe this is one of those times.
I am sending him an offer to do A MAke up session. I hope this clears things up .Thank you,
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Reviewed and responded. Time to close.
