Guidelines - So many do not seem to understand them....

Whispers's Avatar
...... clearly SL and Whispers violate guidelines #1, #3, #4, and #17 on a regular fucking basis, and yet no one does a goddam thing about it. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
You have no idea what is done, how many warnings or points get issued.....

I have to agree with Claire. Our opinions appear to be supported by z's appearance in this thread as a wk for SL and w. And his condescending comments to those that disagree with him don't help his case. The mods are too close to the offenders and as a result coed has become a cesspool. Lighten up people. Originally Posted by Smpslt7
You see Z's post as a wk for SL and myself? I see it as explanatory of his and other MODs actions......

Anytime Guidelines are not enforced the way people tend to believe they should be enforced it is determined that it is because the staff and the purported offender(s) are close friends or someone is getting paid off or given favors.

Perhaps if everyone that had an opinion that I was crossing lines could equally complain that Staff does not censor those that break the same quoted guidelines daily in their stalking and attacks on both SL and myself you might start to understand more....

The problem is that NONE of you raise a complaint about others.

Have you ever really looked? The mandle Observing for example. Look at the historical use of the mandle and you can see it is clearly used to stalk mine and SL's posts as well as crosses each and every guideline the two of you have mentioned.

I do not come close to expressing my dislike for others to the manner in which some people enjoy dissing me. I take far more than any of those I post opposing opinions of....

But you are NOT calling for Moderation of the Forums in regards to the Guidelines. What you really want is the selective enforcement of guidelines of a few with opinions you do not care for.

Maybe it is easier for staff to give everyone a pass on some things than the amount of work required to bring everyone into line?

I post in other cities on the board in the same manner as I do here in Austin and stay within the guidelines there. It's one set of Guidelines for the entire website.... They are the same everywhere....

A few years ago I was not remotely as harsh in my criticism of others as I have become...... That was born in how freely others were allowed to attack me on a personal level. It is very childish the manner in which most people tend to attack others..... It is most often personal in nature.....

For example: I point out that a provider has shared personal information with others and the responses are that I am a disgusting old fat man complete with images.....

Very few here can make a point or debate a subject. Most are too emotional and childish.... The Cap'n has proven how quickly he lost the ability to logically discuss a subject recently...

If you want Guidelines enforced perhaps you need to expand your base of offenders and provide a more wide ranging example of where the offenders are.....

It used to be a rather enjoyable game in the past..... Pushing someone's buttons in a thread with logic and facts that they lacked the ability to remain impartial about.... They would sink to lower levels and attack personally and "point out" quickly returning with a new attitude....

That has been gone for a long time..... I would not mind seeing you have some success in bringing back some civility to the forums...... We could get rid of quite a few people around here by doing so.....
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Well the grammer,spelling,and every type of online want-to-be online police can't hold a candle to you whimpy. Your the best of the best of Mr.know-it-all of Eccie guidelines.
nuglet's Avatar
You have no idea what is done, how many warnings or points get issued.....

You see Z's post as a wk for SL and myself? I see it as explanatory of his and other MODs actions......

Anytime Guidelines are not enforced the way people tend to believe they should be enforced it is determined that it is because the staff and the purported offender(s) are close friends or someone is getting paid off or given favors.

Perhaps if everyone that had an opinion that I was crossing lines could equally complain that Staff does not censor those that break the same quoted guidelines daily in their stalking and attacks on both SL and myself you might start to understand more....

For example: I point out that a provider has shared personal information with others and the responses are that I am a disgusting old fat man complete with images..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Oh Boo Hoo, poor baby got upset did he?
Smpslt7's Avatar
Did you ever notice that those with the least to say use the most words?
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Awwww! Under your skin much?
Whispers's Avatar
Oh Boo Hoo, poor baby got upset did he? Originally Posted by nuglet
You noticed that too Nuggie? Yes... He and She both have been whining..... Smpslt7 and Claire want moderation but only of a few....

Your post is an example of the lack of maturity that led to the loss of civility but at your advanced state in life a return to childish behaviors is expected and understandable....
Whispers's Avatar
Awwww! Under your skin much? Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Not at all.... You are useful.....
"The mandle Observing for example. Look at the historical use of the mandle and you can see it is clearly used to stalk mine and SL's posts..."

FirePhoenix's Avatar
The saying that comes to my mind is "Do as I say. Not as I do."
Smpslt7's Avatar
I do indeed misunderstand...eccie apparently stands for Escort Client Community Insult Exchange.
Whispers's Avatar
The saying that comes to my mind is "Do as I say. Not as I do." Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
That is not my point at all.....

You seldom understand but in explaining it to you others come to understand so I always appreciate it when you display your lack of understanding.

The point is that SL and I are not the only 2 people in the Forums that might be subject to closer adherence to guidelines being expected.

I think a broader example might help people make their case whereas I am pretty sure that whining about Sl and Whispers to staff is kind of like white noise in the background that gets tuned out because it's all they hear...
Whispers's Avatar
"The mandle Observing for example. Look at the historical use of the mandle and you can see it is clearly used to stalk mine and SL's posts..." Originally Posted by Observing
You really think an examination of your post history does not DEFINE what stalking others is all about ma'am?
The saying that comes to my mind is "Do as I say. Not as I do." Originally Posted by FirePhoenix

Makes me think of a quote by a former president.

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
You really think an examination of your post history does not DEFINE what stalking others is all about ma'am? Originally Posted by Whispers
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar

Very few here can make a point or debate a subject. Most are too emotional and childish.... The Cap'n has proven how quickly he lost the ability to logically discuss a subject recently... Originally Posted by Whispers
(wow, really under his skin)

Most (sex workers) are weak minded, easily manipulated and carry a monkey on their backs that controls them. Originally Posted by Whispers
Hmmm, lets see. I am supposed to "logically discuss" a ridiculous, insulting generalization of sex workers...

What is to discuss?: Drivel from a bitter old misogynist. You are not looking to really discuss. You are just spreading hate and then crying when you get called out for it. Perhaps it is due to, deep down inside, hating your own life and your pathetic existence. Whatever it is, you bring your hatred onto this board and people respond in kind.

Before you continue crying like a bitch about how you are treated by me and others, why don't you get YOUR house in order and become a better person first?

You want to blame others for your problems. At this point in time, the fact that you are a disgrace is no-one's fault but your own.

Change your ways and maybe life will get better.