gt27 - The first Eccie prize of it's kind. Is he deserving?

Treetop78759's Avatar
I'm pretty sure that gt27 rode the little school bus all of his/her life. No question about it. With that said, I kind of admire the little fella.

Think about it. He/She comes from the KC market. A market where some of the most active threads that never die have to do with cologne, horses and favorite colors. Pretty boring if you ask me.

Let's face it. He/She won't be winning any debates in ATX but he/she sure does try. He/She is duking it out with some of the toughest Eccie Worldwide has to offer. When he/she gets knocked down he/she jumps back up and starts pumping his/her fist. He/She is trying so hard to be relevant.

I can tell that he/she has the heart of a champion less the championship but he/she is still deserving of something for his/her efforts.

What I propose is a first of it's kind award for someone like gt27. Something that can be passed down to future generations. What is it?

I would like to raise funds and get gt27 a participation trophy. Something he/she can be proud of.

I think that this needs to be voted on and paid for by the local Eccie community. All votes will be kept confidential.

Little Monster's Avatar
gt is nothing more than a peon from Kansas with a phandle. My guess is maybe a provider who used to live here or somewhere in Texas. She is awfully fun to fuck with, every time she gets called out on one of her asinine post (which isn't hard to do) she only has one reply for it.

"Yeah....yeah...well you're stupid!"

Still Looking's Avatar
I got something for him...

Still Looking's Avatar
FYI: SL Productions & Whispers Entertainment Group has a nationwide deal with all Mexican restaurants. Simply play the video for the waiter or waitress and you'll get "FREE" chips and salsa.

Just our way of giving back!
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 05-30-2017, 02:31 PM
TT, I'm so glad that you are fascinated with me. I truly do appreciate your attention and I will keep you in mind the next time I thank all the little people. Trying to be a little Whispers? Failing on so many levels.

LM, how can you fault me for telling the truth? You are stupid, thus you criticize me for my veracity? Don't worry though, I will help you out with your geography lessons soon.

Further, to TT and LM, I laugh at the idea of you two trying to identify my sex. Good for you two! Whenever you two cannot conjure an idea worthy of response to me you resort to the tried and true middle school method of pulling the girl card. Good for you two!

And SL, chips and salsa? Stupid post just like your stupid videos.

All three of you must have been a hit with the females in high-school. . . Let me guess, never got laid until you could pay for it?
Little Monster's Avatar
TT, I'm so glad that you are fascinated with me. I truly do appreciate your attention and I will keep you in mind the next time I thank all the little people. Trying to be a little Whispers? Failing on so many levels.

LM, how can you fault me for telling the truth? You are stupid, thus you criticize me for my veracity? Don't worry though, I will help you out with your geography lessons soon.

Exactlly what the fuck I thought, couldn't come back with anything else could ya???? And you honestly think you're smart??? Loudest ones are ALWAYS the ones with the least amount of room to talk. Just an FYI "darlin", it is more than obvious that you go out of your way to make yourself sound smart & sophisticated, it's not working out too well for you. Pick another angle. I know I'm not the smartest guy, but I do know for a fact I'm a lot smarter than YOU. HAHAAAAAAAAA!!

Further, to TT and LM, I laugh at the idea of you two trying to identify my sex. Good for you two! Whenever you two cannot conjure an idea worthy of response to me you resort to the tried and true middle school method of pulling the girl card. Good for you two!

No more Middle School than your one & only "You're Stupid" reply. What's the matter?? You can dish it out, but you can't take it??? Why am I not surprised? Not only are you dumb & worthless, but you're a hypocrite as well. Sure does suck to be you. Once again Loudest ones always have the least amount of room. Besides your posts sound way too much like a little bitch for you not to be a pissed off woman hiding behind a mandle. But keep trying smart one.

And SL, chips and salsa? Stupid post just like your stupid videos.

All three of you must have been a hit with the females in high-school. . . Let me guess, never got laid until you could pay for it? Originally Posted by gt27
You have been on this board for almost 6 months and still not one review?? I wonder why? You do realize that this is a REVIEW board right?? If you're a hobbyist then post a review, otherwise your presence on this board is just as worthless as your posts.