LA Voting Rolls Have 144% of the Total Number of Eligible Residents

I B Hankering's Avatar

Judicial Watch Warns California to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuit

AUGUST 04, 2017

Data Show LA, San Diego, San Francisco Have More Registered Voters than Eligible Adult Citizens – LA Voting Rolls Have 144% of the Total Number of Eligible Residents

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced it sent a notice-of-violation letter to the state of California and 11 of its counties threatening to sue in federal court if it does not clean its voter registration lists as mandated by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Both the NVRA and the federal Help America Vote Act require states to take reasonable steps to maintain accurate voting rolls. The August 1 letter was sent on behalf of several Judicial Watch California supporters and the Election Integrity Project California, Inc.

In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that public records obtained on the Election Assistance Commission’s 2016 Election Administration Voting Survey and through verbal accounts from various county agencies show 11 California counties have more registered voters than voting-age citizens: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%).

In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that Los Angeles County officials “informed us that the total number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”

Under Section 8 of the NVRA, states are required to make a reasonable effort to remove the names of ineligible voters from official lists due to “the death of the registrant” or “a change in the residence of the registrant,” and requires states to ensure noncitizens are not registered to vote.

There is “strong circumstantial evidence that California municipalities are not conducting reasonable voter registration list maintenance as mandated under the NVRA,” Judicial Watch wrote in the notice letter sent to California Secretary of State Alex Padilla.

Judicial Watch referred California officials to a settlement agreement it reached with the State of Ohio in which Ohio agreed to update and maintain its voter registration lists and to keep a current voter registration list online and available for public access.

“California’s voting rolls are an absolute mess that undermines the very idea of clean elections,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “It is urgent that California take reasonable steps to clean up its rolls. We will sue if state officials fail to act.”

In April, Judicial Watch sent notice-of-violation letters threatening to sue 11 states having counties in which the number of registered voters exceeds the number of voting-age citizens. The states are: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina and Tennessee.

On July 18, Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against Montgomery County and the Maryland State Boards of Elections under the NVRA. The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, Baltimore Division (Judicial Watch vs. Linda H. Lamone, et al. (No. 1:17-cv-02006)).

Election Integrity Project California, Inc. is a registered non-profit corporation that seeks to preserve a government of, by, and for the people. To that end, Election Integrity Project California empowers citizen volunteers through education and training to protect the integrity of the electoral process in California.

The director of Judicial Watch’s Election Integrity Project is senior attorney Robert Popper, who was formerly deputy chief of the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department.

(Judicial Watch)

Hasa Diga, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
someone posted a link about california's voter database early this year. a computer IT leaked thru an order that California was scrubbing its voter database amidst accusations of voter fraud using illegals in elections.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-05-2017, 01:06 PM
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
11 California counties have more registered voters than voting-age citizens: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%) Originally Posted by I B Hankering
how many people are we talking here?
LexusLover's Avatar

Waters' or Pelosi's District or both?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
all of them.
I B Hankering's Avatar
how many people are we talking here? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Los Angeles County: 5,258,137. That means L.A. County alone has some 1.5 million more voters on the roles to vote than are eligible to vote ... that's half of the three million the Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM keeps hyperventilating about!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-05-2017, 01:54 PM
Trumps daughter is registered in two different states....
bambino's Avatar
Trumps daughter is registered in two different states.... Originally Posted by WTF
Not to mention Russia!!!!!
bamscram's Avatar

Other voters.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Trumps daughter is registered in two different states.... Originally Posted by WTF
Is Trump's daughter eligible to vote in both states? Yes, she is. And there's no issue about her voting in both states: which would be illegal.

Meanwhile, L.A. County has more than 1.5 million people listed on its voter roles who are NOT eligible to vote there.
bambino's Avatar
Is Trump's daughter eligible to vote in both states? Yes, she is. And there's no issue about her voting in both states: which would be illegal.

Meanwhile, L.A. County has more than 1.5 million people listed on its voter roles who are NOT eligible to vote there.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Comes as no surprise.
lustylad's Avatar
Here are some numbers on California I looked up in a previous voter fraud thread... obviously a lot of further analysis is needed to reach any reliable conclusions. Unfortunately, there appears to be no desire to examine the voter data and do such detailed analysis in a one-party state like CA:

Given how California is such an outlier, I looked up some data on the state:

California population – 39 million

No. of illegals in CA – 2.4 million (Pew Research estimate)
.............................. .......3 million (The Migration Policy Institute estimate)

CA registered voters – 19.4 million

Total votes cast 2016 – 14.18 million
Hillary – 8.75 million
Trump – 4.48 million
Others - 0.95 million
Originally Posted by lustylad
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-05-2017, 02:25 PM
Is Trump's daughter eligible to vote in both states? Yes, she is. And there's no issue about her voting in both states: which would be illegal.

Meanwhile, L.A. County has more than 1.5 million people listed on its voter roles who are NOT eligible to vote there.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Just because they have not purged someone who has died, does not mean they are voting.

Are you implying there's some nefarious attempt at voter fraud
LexusLover's Avatar
... obviously a lot of further analysis is needed to reach any reliable conclusions. ... Originally Posted by lustylad
... which will have to wait until the Russian snipe hunting is done!

I'm sure the mere whimsical idea that HillariousNoMore didn't WIN THE ELECTION by the margin she believes she did would be disastrous to the big screen TV in her midst when the news hits the air ... not to mention wasteful of another delicious bottle of Champagne.