Canada vs US: Taxes vs Service

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  • WTF
  • 08-07-2017, 06:14 PM

Even with all kinds of taxes considered, including income, local and sales taxes, among others — and contrary to what President Donald Trump has said repeatedly — Americans do not pay the highest taxes in the world. Not even close. Actually, the U.S. is a little below average compared with our 34 peer countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

But what about Canada? Given all the social services that Canadian citizens enjoy relative to their neighbors to the south, including health care, many Americans assume that Canadians bear a significantly heavier tax burden.

The reality is more complex.
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Even with all kinds of taxes considered, including income, local and sales taxes, among others — and contrary to what President Donald Trump has said repeatedly — Americans do not pay the highest taxes in the world. Not even close. Actually, the U.S. is a little below average compared with our 34 peer countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

But what about Canada? Given all the social services that Canadian citizens enjoy relative to their neighbors to the south, including health care, many Americans assume that Canadians bear a significantly heavier tax burden.

The reality is more complex. Originally Posted by WTF
Move to Canada you liberal faggot. Have you been there? Fill your tank up, buy some tobacco and a six pack then go to the bank and take out a loan you stupid fuck. And then wait years to have your sex reassignment operation!

Mebbe they need more of our illegal, low skilled labor. Send a few of your crews up there between your contracts!!!!