Minnesota mosque bombed days ago. Alt-right trolls celebrate. TWITLER SILENT.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another act of terror on US soil.

Where is Twitler?????

Maybe he's afraid of being called a Muzzie-lover.


Just fucking disgraceful.


Hateful trolls celebrate bombing of Minnesota mosque while Trump stays silent

There was a time when acts of hatred and bigotry occurring within ethnic communities in the United States would bring people of all colors and religions together to express their solidarity. But that’s not so in Trump’s America. While Minnesota’s Muslim community is still reeling from the Saturday bombing of a mosque in Bloomington, they are also dealing with hateful Internet trolls who are celebrating the incident.

Muslim groups in the United States are offering rewards of $10,000 for information on suspects responsible for the bombing of a mosque in Minnesota on Saturday.

An explosion occurred at the Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, Minnesota, early on Saturday as worshippers were arriving for morning prayers. No one was injured in the explosion.

The FBI is currently investigating the bombing, which Gov. Mark Dayton has referred to as a hate crime and an act of terrorism. “The destruction done to this sacred site is just unthinkable, unforgivable. I hope and pray the perpetrator will be caught and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.”

The FBI said Saturday that the explosion had been caused by an improvised explosive device (IED). The mosque suffered fire and smoke damage as a result of the explosion; the office of the mosque’s imam was heavily damaged, with windows being shattered either by the explosion or another object that was thrown through the windows.

Muslims in America have experienced all sorts of vile, hateful, and racist rhetoric since 9/11. They’ve been the victims of numerous hate crimes which are on the rise and have spiked since the November presidential election, in what researchers call The Trump Effect. And now, hideous racists have come crawling out from under rocks and won’t even allow them a moment to grieve the loss of a sacred place in their community. Nope. Undeterred from their mission to make America white again, these racists couldn’t wait for the chance to be gleeful and cheer on this act of cowardice.

[The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations] said that its Facebook page had been inundated with anti-Muslim messages since the mosque bombing and its offer of a $10,000 reward. The group shared pictures of messages sent by people celebrating the incident. One read: “Blow up all mosques. Muslim fairy tales have no place inside the United States.” Another said: “If they find this person they should give him a medal.”

And their president, with his Muslim ban, has remained completely silent about it.

This is a sobering reminder of where we are as a country. Racism, xenophobia, and hatred are now openly American values. They’ve always been part of the fabric of America, but we at least imagined ourselves as better than this. Not anymore: the thin veneer which made it unacceptable to be openly racist is completely gone. And our current administration is leading the way.
Who gives a shit about some Muslim mosque? Or the state of Minnesota either?
Who gives a shit about some Muslim mosque? Or the state of Minnesota either? Originally Posted by Stockinglover

I know, right?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
more inbred family fucking each other Trump supporters at work...
I don't agree with the act. But no injuries and very minor damage. The "blast" did not even break windows. Really a pretty minor, local story. Should Trump really speak out every time a house of worship is damaged?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Why should he comment? What does that have to do with running our government?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-08-2017, 02:14 PM
Why should he comment? What does that have to do with running our government? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
What does any of his tweets have anything to do with running the government.
Trump should tweet for everyone to be respectful. How do you think that will be received by the asshole media? Let the whore Michelle Bauchman and the ignorant assholes in Minnesota put out press releases condemning this bombing
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You must have mistaken me for somebody that gives a fuck about Trump's tweets.

All Trump is to me is he is not Hillary.......bwahahahaha
Guest123018-4's Avatar
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-08-2017, 04:17 PM
You must have mistaken me for somebody that gives a fuck about Trump's tweets.

All Trump is to me is he is not Hillary.......bwahahahaha Originally Posted by The2Dogs
And you're not the Wacko Kid....
Somebody threw a fire cracker threw the window... SO?

We should be talking about a Minneapolis Somali cop executing a white woman last week. fuckers!

Somebody threw a fire cracker threw the window... SO?

We should be talking about a Minneapolis Somali cop executing a white woman last week. fuckers!

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
now would that be domestic terrorism, if fire is the result?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
article states that it was an IED that blew up.

how do we know the muslim temple wasn't used as a bomb storage depot for that stuff?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why should he comment? What does that have to do with running our government? Originally Posted by The2Dogs

What does HE have to do with running our government?

Jack shit!

He needs to protect and defend all of his subjects, not just a few.

What a fucked up question, dipshit.