I hope Rush sticks around long to see Trump go down in flames

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  • WTF
  • 10-20-2020, 09:00 AM

Did this silly SOB really think he was going to beat stage four cancer?


Did this silly SOB really think he was going to beat stage four cancer?

. Originally Posted by WTF
Especially Small Oat Cell Carcinoma of the Lungs. Predominate cause.....smoking.
I he was probably told up front that the course of action when dealing with this type of malignancy is we treat you, you die.
You could have made your comment without being such an bore.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Another classless lefty.
boardman's Avatar

Did this silly SOB really think he was going to beat stage four cancer?

. Originally Posted by WTF
Actually, no he didn't think he was going to beat it. He said yesterday, at the beginning of his show when he broke this latest news, that he didn't think he would see October 1st.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-20-2020, 09:50 AM
Especially Small Oat Cell Carcinoma of the Lungs. Predominate cause.....smoking.
I he was probably told up front that the course of action when dealing with this type of malignancy is we treat you, you die.
You could have made your comment without being such an bore. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Bore? The SOB didn't think he'd make it to Oct and I just wished him through November!
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  • WTF
  • 10-20-2020, 09:57 AM
Actually, no he didn't think he was going to beat it. He said yesterday, at the beginning of his show when he broke this latest news, that he didn't think he would see October 1st. Originally Posted by boardman
Oh but you discount the human spirit called Hope.

This from the article

Prior to this week's update, he said that cancer "had been reduced, and it had become manageable."

If you don't think his brain wasn't thinking he might beat this you need a shot of common sense. We all know what he said after this latest checkup. But before that...you can bet your stinky ass he was thinking he could beat it!

Look Rush had a good run ....I used to listen to him when he first arrived on the scene....he was more Libertarian then. I was disappointed but not surprised wtf he turned in to. A lying distorting political hack. Much like Hannity and Carlson and Ingram on the right and Meadows, and that goof before her. Can't even remember his name. Pure shit...all of'em
  • oeb11
  • 10-20-2020, 09:59 AM
Thank u - wtf - when the malicious, malignant leftists hate - they wish death and destruction on the object of their hatred.

Just as the leftists and wtf wish on rush.

and - just as their OBLM/antifa minions inflict on their own bastions of leftist ideology on the West Coast.

such mean, malicious excuses for human beings!
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  • WTF
  • 10-20-2020, 10:02 AM
You boys are too damn sensitive. We all gotta go sometime.


Don Meredith sung it best....

this current line of wtf's is but a small sampling of why I have given up on him
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  • WTF
  • 10-20-2020, 10:12 AM
Thank u - wtf - when the malicious, malignant leftists hate - they wish death and destruction on the object of their hatred.

Just as the leftists and wtf wish on rush.

and - just as their OBLM/antifa minions inflict on their own bastions of leftist ideology on the West Coast.

such mean, malicious excuses for human beings! Originally Posted by oeb11
You do understand what I wish has no effect on reality.

I could wish your momma wasn't a whore or wish she was. Believe it or not I'm not God. What I wish don't come near close to coming true....but I'll let you in on a secret...you too are gonna die. I'm gonna die and ole fucking pill head Rush is gonna die.

You crying about me talking about reality ain't gonna do nothing but maybe couch a snicker.

Not don't go RTM'n me....I was banned for posting a meme from a movie because one of you bugger pickers thought I threatened ya!

I'll see if I can't find that post.
Yeah we all wish for a Biden victory too ..... but that has no effect on reality .....
Biden is gonna win and hopefully Rush will be able to watch it all night as the results come it. Cancer sucks so I don’t wish that on anyone. I also have no compassion for the likes of Rush who has gone out of his way to be mean and cruel to many people over the years in the name of political commentary. I won’t shed a tear when he dies. I will however she’d a tear as Trump gets his fat ass out of the White House. I will truly miss him destroying the Republican Party as he has for the last 4 years. Hopefully the recovery will take 3-4 election cycles.
boardman's Avatar
Oh but you discount the human spirit called Hope.

This from the article

Prior to this week's update, he said that cancer "had been reduced, and it had become manageable."

If you don't think his brain wasn't thinking he might beat this you need a shot of common sense. We all know what he said after this latest checkup. But before that...you can bet your stinky ass he was thinking he could beat it!

Look Rush had a good run ....I used to listen to him when he first arrived on the scene....he was more Libertarian then. I was disappointed but not surprised wtf he turned in to. A lying distorting political hack. Much like Hannity and Carlson and Ingram on the right and Meadows, and that goof before her. Can't even remember his name. Pure shit...all of'em Originally Posted by WTF

Anyone receiving a diagnosis of death is going to have some measure of hope. Those sitting on death row hold on to hope that a reprieve will come. There are no atheists in foxholes.

You should really find a recast of his show yesterday. Just the 1st 15 minutes is all you'd need. He discussed in brief but concise detail, as only he can do, the reality of his diagnosis but also the roller coaster ride he had been on when first treatments did nothing then alternate treatments showed promise and now how that is failing. That while he accepts his reality he still holds on to hope. As anyone would.

If you would listen to that you would realize your OP comes off as petulant and uninformed. Or is it simply another way to spout off and stir the masses of idiots who continue to take you seriously?
Yeah, and I wish RBG had held out a few more months.
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  • WTF
  • 10-22-2020, 08:19 AM