Donald Trump has run a historically bad reelection campaign

matchingmole's Avatar
Killing your constituents only works in banana republics. He was aiming for that and failed.
Lapdog's Avatar
Yeah, he thinks he has that dictatorship thing going on, but in a democracy, it ain't good to be killing all your voters.
beelzebubba's Avatar
Not even just US historic... history

Yeah, he thinks he has that dictatorship thing going on, but in a democracy, it ain't good to be killing all your voters. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Let’s hope what happens to many dictators happens
Jacuzzme's Avatar
This is hysterical, Considering his opponent didn’t run a campaign at all. Trump is doing three or four rallies a day With tens of thousands of people every time and Biden‘s in his basement hiding. When he does come out he might draw a dozen people sitting in their cars like idiots,

Is saying Biden got obliterated in the last debate strong enough to describe it? Obliterated? Nuked? Beat like a rented mule?
beelzebubba's Avatar
Didn’t have to, he’s running against a fat clown the majority are gonna send packing.

God’s honest truth... they could have run a dented tomato can without campaigning, and still won... big.

Our ears would have been better for it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is hysterical, Considering his opponent didn’t run a campaign at all. Trump is doing three or four rallies a day With tens of thousands of people every time and Biden‘s in his basement hiding. When he does come out he might draw a dozen people sitting in their cars like idiots,

Is saying Biden got obliterated in the last debate strong enough to describe it? Obliterated? Nuked? Beat like a rented mule? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

THANKS for reminding us how incredibly in touch with reality you are, as are all the other Proud Boys of ECCIE!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Nice non-retort. Sorry your guy can barely put a coherent sentence together and quits by 10am most days, but facts are facts. Biden is the first presidential candidate in history to campaign less than part time, and President Trump is easily the hardest working guy to ever run for office.

And where the fuck is Kamala? Last I’ve seen of her she was trying to figure out whether she was in Cleveland or Columbus. She seems to be as lazy as Joe, which is quite an accomplishment.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
This is hysterical, Considering his opponent didn’t run a campaign at all. Trump is doing three or four rallies a day With tens of thousands of people every time and Biden‘s in his basement hiding. When he does come out he might draw a dozen people sitting in their cars like idiots,

Is saying Biden got obliterated in the last debate strong enough to describe it? Obliterated? Nuked? Beat like a rented mule? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Trump killed himself in the first debate by his antics. My guess is that many undecided voters watching that debate made a decision that Biden was best suited to be POTUS.

Let's just say there is mixed opinion as to who won the second debate.The second debate Trump behaved himself and it was much more a debate than the first one. Both made solid points at times and both made miscues at times. Doubtful either swayed undecided voters to vote for him.

Majority of voters say Biden won second debate, poll finds

Fifty-four percent of voters who watched the Thursday debate said Biden performed the best, while 39% said that Trump did. Eight percent of voters who watched weren’t sure or had no opinion on who did best.

Poll: Trump the clear winner of second presidential debate

President Donald Trump came out ahead in Thursday’s presidential debate, according to an informal online poll from Clarksville Now.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
And Hillary had a 98% chance of winning the election. Anyone with firing synapses knows Biden fucked himself, likely out of the presidency, in the last debate. It wasn’t even close, which is why his people were everywhere trying to get a mulligan for a week afterwards.
Lapdog's Avatar
Nice non-retort. Sorry your guy can barely put a coherent sentence together and quits by 10am most days, but facts are facts. Biden is the first presidential candidate in history to campaign less than part time, and President Trump is easily the hardest working guy to ever run for office.

And where the fuck is Kamala? Last I’ve seen of her she was trying to figure out whether she was in Cleveland or Columbus. She seems to be as lazy as Joe, which is quite an accomplishment. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

And yet, these are the ones who are polling better than Trump. My, my.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And Hillary had a 98% chance of winning the election. Anyone with firing synapses knows Biden fucked himself, likely out of the presidency, in the last debate. It wasn’t even close, which is why his people were everywhere trying to get a mulligan for a week afterwards. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
lol. No, Biden did not lose the second debate. At best it was a tie for Trump. I have not found a single person, Trump supporter or Biden supporter, who believe the second debate moved the needle on undecided voters in either direction.

Maybe you have some indication that states otherwise other than your opinion.
beelzebubba's Avatar
The needle doesn’t move with anything said.
Trump has his base... that is all
Jacuzzme's Avatar
“Maybe you have some indication that states otherwise other than your opinion.”

How about every surrogate he has running around trying to explain away his statements, clear evidence of a major fuck up. The President has been playing off it ever since, and effectively. Post all the gaslighting USA Today shit you’d like, it’s not going to change the fact that he greatly lessened his chances in several vital states.
beelzebubba's Avatar
Not enough for Trump to benifit.