ohh SNAP! The masks don't work....

Nope, masks do not work.

A new scientific review suggests that widespread masking may have done little to nothing to curb the transmission of COVID-19.

The following are TRUE based on SCIENCE! To deny or dispute it makes you a SCIENCE DENIER!
1. Masks do not work
2. Covid-19 vaccination does not stop you from getting Covid-19
3. Covid-19 vaccination can kill you

Geez not this bullshit again. Masks do work, try sneezing with a mask on and then without. See all that stuff that sprays everywhere without a mask. People also spit a little when conversing and this is trapped by the mask. No the mask doesn't catch the virus itself, but the virus doesn't just float around by itself like little virus flakes.

No one ever said you can't get covid with the vaccine, it definitely stopped the severe symptoms in most people and transmission rate was lessened. With vaccine you are contagious for far less time, a matter of hours, not days.

No statistical evidence has shown that more have died with the vaccine. Studies have looked at those types of deaths that are suspect and it is statistically insignificant. Even if a few died from the vaccine, many millions of lives were saved. Possibly up to 40-50 million Americans alone.
Ripmany's Avatar
Nope, masks do not work.

A new scientific review suggests that widespread masking may have done little to nothing to curb the transmission of COVID-19.

The following are TRUE based on SCIENCE! To deny or dispute it makes you a SCIENCE DENIER!
1. Masks do not work
2. Covid-19 vaccination does not stop you from getting Covid-19
3. Covid-19 vaccination can kill you

https://www.yahoo.com/news/face-mask...001748577.html Originally Posted by ChopSuey
Yes mask don't work especially how there were use infact I had to take if off 10 times a min to breathe.

The Covid 19 vaccine did work for me but where I work I one of a few that allies test negative for covid.
bambino's Avatar
Geez not this bullshit again. Masks do work, try sneezing with a mask on and then without. See all that stuff that sprays everywhere without a mask. People also spit a little when conversing and this is trapped by the mask. No the mask doesn't catch the virus itself, but the virus doesn't just float around by itself like little virus flakes.

No one ever said you can't get covid with the vaccine, it definitely stopped the severe symptoms in most people and transmission rate was lessened. With vaccine you are contagious for far less time, a matter of hours, not days.

No statistical evidence has shown that more have died with the vaccine. Studies have looked at those types of deaths that are suspect and it is statistically insignificant. Even if a few died from the vaccine, many millions of lives were saved. Possibly up to 40-50 million Americans alone. Originally Posted by royamcr
You’re wrong. Statistical analysis


Masks don’t work either.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Nope, masks do not work.

A new scientific review suggests that widespread masking may have done little to nothing to curb the transmission of COVID-19.

The following are TRUE based on SCIENCE! To deny or dispute it makes you a SCIENCE DENIER!
1. Masks do not work
2. Covid-19 vaccination does not stop you from getting Covid-19
3. Covid-19 vaccination can kill you

https://www.yahoo.com/news/face-mask...001748577.html Originally Posted by ChopSuey
Geez not this bullshit again. Masks do work, try sneezing with a mask on and then without. See all that stuff that sprays everywhere without a mask. People also spit a little when conversing and this is trapped by the mask. No the mask doesn't catch the virus itself, but the virus doesn't just float around by itself like little virus flakes.

No one ever said you can't get covid with the vaccine, it definitely stopped the severe symptoms in most people and transmission rate was lessened. With vaccine you are contagious for far less time, a matter of hours, not days.

No statistical evidence has shown that more have died with the vaccine. Studies have looked at those types of deaths that are suspect and it is statistically insignificant. Even if a few died from the vaccine, many millions of lives were saved. Possibly up to 40-50 million Americans alone. Originally Posted by royamcr
Yes mask don't work especially how there were use infact I had to take if off 10 times a min to breathe.

The Covid 19 vaccine did work for me but where I work I one of a few that allies test negative for covid. Originally Posted by Ripmany
You’re wrong. Statistical analysis


Masks don’t work either.

https://www.thedesertreview.com/whit...aa32369df.html Originally Posted by bambino

Geez not this bullshit again. Masks do work

No one ever said you can't get covid with the vaccine
Originally Posted by royamcr
1. The COVID-19 virus is not "sneeze" It is 0.125 microns and THE BEST MASKS! N95 masks only filter down to 0.3 microns
2. Joe Biden and Rachel Maddow told you to GET VACCINATED!

Joe Biden told the USA if you get vaccinated, you WILL NOT GET COVID-19.
Rachel Maddow told you the same and she even said that you will not be able to pass the virus to another person if you are vaccinated.


And on the subject of DEATH from the vaccination!
Look it up!
People have died minutes and days after getting the vaccination.

  • Tiny
  • 02-16-2023, 11:41 AM
Nope, masks do not work.

A new scientific review suggests that widespread masking may have done little to nothing to curb the transmission of COVID-19.

The following are TRUE based on SCIENCE! To deny or dispute it makes you a SCIENCE DENIER!
1. Masks do not work
2. Covid-19 vaccination does not stop you from getting Covid-19
3. Covid-19 vaccination can kill you

https://www.yahoo.com/news/face-mask...001748577.html Originally Posted by ChopSuey
If you read the Cochrane paper, you'll see the authors have little confidence in their conclusions:

"There is uncertainty about the effects of face masks. The low to moderate certainty of evidence means our confidence in the effect estimate is limited, and that the true effect may be different from the observed estimate of the effect."


They looked mostly at influenza studies, not coronavirus studies. So perhaps the paper does back up the CDC's recommendation to the public, that wearing masks to prevent influenza isn't necessary.

Did you read Marc Siegel's comments in the Yahoo article? Siegel, who practices at NYU Langone, also runs the Doctor Radio channel on Sirius XM. He's a frequent commentator on Fox News. He certainly doesn't believe the Cochrane study should persuade you that masks are useless.

The last time I looked at the literature on masks and COVID, about a year or two ago, I was convinced the good quality masks worked for SARS and COVID. Related thoughts are probably in the Shithole Countries Wear Masks thread,


I did another quick search about a month ago, and this was what I found.

I only came up with five more-or-less noteworthy papers published in 2022, and they all appeared in the first half of the year. This is perhaps the best, as it provides summaries of relevant studies.


This paper kind of leaves you hanging, with no clear cut call one way or the other. Reading the summaries, the pro-mask case is more convincing to me.

The next paper also is of particular interest as it's the only one I found that extended through Omicron. Prior to July, 2021, participants who didn't wear masks every day were 66% more likely to report a COVID infection than those who wore masks daily. During the Delta period, the percentage dropped to 53%, and during Omicron to 16%:


The other three papers aren't as noteworthy, but I'll include them below anyway. They support wearing masks.




I've gotten the COVID vaccine and three boosters, and judiciously wear KN95 masks. I've only gotten one cold since COVID started, in February, 2020. I used to get around three a year.

The Cochrane paper isn't going to affect my mask wearing. I'll probably continue to wear a mask several times a week, when I'm in a crowded indoor area besides a restaurant. Why not? I don't see any downside.
  • Tiny
  • 02-16-2023, 11:54 AM
Masks do work, try sneezing with a mask on and then without. See all that stuff that sprays everywhere without a mask. People also spit a little when conversing and this is trapped by the mask. No the mask doesn't catch the virus itself, but the virus doesn't just float around by itself like little virus flakes. Originally Posted by royamcr
Yeah, it's common sense. I remember reading a paper about how good quality masks work with the COVID virus. Usually the virus is stuck in mucous when expelled from the body. You have droplets, not individual virions, that are passing through the air. Masks mechanically filter out the larger droplets. The smaller ones, and aerosols, can pass through the fabric of an N95 mask, but more commonly are trapped between openings in the mesh and the virions migrate to the fabric through some process like osmosis. It's the medium sized droplets that are likeliest to get through.

This may not make a lot of sense, but there are coronavirus and influenza studies that show if you're infected by a large quantity of virus, you're more likely to get a severe case of the disease. Masks would definitely cut down on the quantity of virus you're exposed to.

And what's the downside?
Yeah, it's common sense. I remember reading a paper about how good quality masks work with the COVID virus. Usually the virus is stuck in mucous when expelled from the body. You have droplets, not individual virions, that are passing through the air. Masks mechanically filter out the larger droplets. The smaller ones can pass through the fabric of an N95 mask, but more commonly are trapped between openings in the mesh and the virions migrate to the fabric through some process like osmosis. It's the medium sized droplets that are likeliest to get through.

This may not make a lot of sense, but there are coronavirus and influenza studies that show if you're infected by a large quantity of virus, you're more likely to get a severe case of the disease. Masks would definitely cut down on the quantity of virus you're exposed to.

And what's the downside? Originally Posted by Tiny
How come in the past during Flu Season Masks were never recommended or even suggested for the General Public?
ICU 812's Avatar
I got the shots because I am over 70 and the Government said that they worked. "They" also said we could generate herd immunity if nearly everyone got the shots or survived Covid. For some reason, "they" then said even Covid survivors should also get the shots too. In 2021, President Biden said we could all celebrate 4th of July with back yard gatherings . . .remember that?

in 2020 and 2021, I stayed mostly at home, limited myself to heavily disinfected, socially distanced and N-95 masked Church services once a week and got Covid anyway. . .. twice.

Now we are seeing younger "vaccinated" athletes dropping from cardiac arrest, with the same official obfuscation we got during the pandemic.
If you read the Cochrane paper, you'll I'll probably continue to wear a mask several times a week, when I'm in a crowded indoor area besides a restaurant. Why not? I don't see any downside. Originally Posted by Tiny
Do your research on oral health and the mask. Mask mouth.
YES! Just like meth mouth. Rots your teeth and gums.
I got the shots because I am over 70 and the Government said that they worked. "They" also said we could generate herd immunity if nearly everyone got the shots or survived Covid. For some reason, "they" then said even Covid survivors should also get the shots too. In 2021, President Biden said we could all celebrate 4th of July with back yard gatherings . . .remember that?

in 2020 and 2021, I stayed mostly at home, limited myself to heavily disinfected, socially distanced and N-95 masked Church services once a week and got Covid anyway. . .. twice.

Now we are seeing younger "vaccinated" athletes dropping from cardiac arrest, with the same official obfuscation we got during the pandemic. Originally Posted by ICU 812
You will NOT develop immunity if you have been vaccinated!
The shot tells your immune system "STOP I AM TAKING OVER"
If you do not believe me.... there are (2) different blood tests for covid-19 immunity.. One for those that had the vaccination, and one for those that did not.
Precious_b's Avatar
Nope, masks do not work.

A new scientific review suggests that widespread masking may have done little to nothing to curb the transmission of COVID-19.

The following are TRUE based on SCIENCE! To deny or dispute it makes you a SCIENCE DENIER!
1. Masks do not work
2. Covid-19 vaccination does not stop you from getting Covid-19
3. Covid-19 vaccination can kill you

https://www.yahoo.com/news/face-mask...001748577.html Originally Posted by ChopSuey

Your "following" is partly "TRUE" based on SCIENCE. To hide/not reveal/intentionally leave out make the OP a "SCIENCE DENIER!"

1. Mask have never worked. By that they are not 100% effective. *BUT* they do reduce/slow down transmission.
2. Correct. *BUT* they minimize the chance of getting said virus infection and if infected, probability of reducing the severity of infection is noted.
3. No vaccine is 100% effective. Hence, the Mr. Spock rationing: The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

So those reading the link, which in itself contains some bad info link(s), but an embedded link is very good to the Cochrane Library (OP was probably hoping no one would do any reading of such), It use the key words:

When comparing the use of medical/surgical masks to wearing no masks, the review found that "wearing a mask may make little to no difference in how many people caught a flu-like illness/COVID-like illness (nine studies; 276,917 people); and probably makes little or no difference in how many people have flu/COVID confirmed by a laboratory test (six studies; 13,919 people)."

Tiny got the bigger breakdown of such.
This thread is old news, been cussed and discussed ad nauseum.....why go there again unless just trolling?
This thread is old news, been cussed and discussed ad nauseum.....why go there again unless just trolling? Originally Posted by reddog1951
... Might be because starting threads and posting
in them are VOLUNTARY acts in this forum.

And you need-not participate if you don't wanna...

#### Salty