am i wrong to ask for paper work for bbj?

ive been a provider for a few months now and constantly get asked for bbj. i also used to work in a nursing home and emergency room. ive seen alot of nasty tings in my life. one time a girl came to the emergency room bcuz she had blisters on her nipple vagina and lip. she said she doesnt kno how she got them when shes only been with one guy. the guy had herpes and even tho he didnt have a bump anywhere he still tested positive when he came to get checked. im most comfy doing cbj. i wouldnt mind bbj if i had paper work showing me its all cool. its not jus herpes that can be transfered doing a blowjob, there are others and if one guy is doing bbj with mutiple girls, and those girls are doing it with even more guys, it just takes that one to pass it and its a visious cycle. im very clean, i have paper work to show it but am i wrong for wanting to be sure about the person im providing for?
So, would you show your client your paperwork with your real name on it? If so, then I don't see the harm in it if both parties consent.
yes i would if i knew i was going to be safe at the end of the day. who cares about my name.. my cleanliness is is what i care about in this situation
Ms. Athena's Avatar
You are aware Herpes is skin to skin contact so can easily be transferred with a condom as well...............It is a virus, that is how she had it on all three areas. Do you not Kiss as well without paperwork? We all play as safe as we are comfortable with. If you are not comfortable with the risk this may not be the best profession for you. I am a nurse as well and have seen plenty in my day, but I weigh the risk factor with my knowledge and precautions and I make choices I am comfortable with making. Play safe and have fun.
FYI- paperwork doesnt prove anything.

Did they get the work done 2 months ago? Then who is to say they didnt catch something last week?
Did they get it done yesterday? Some things take weeks to incubate and many std's have no signs or symptoms.. for some people they are silent carriers.

You have a higher risk of catching something in a nursing home than giving a bbbj.

Hep can live outside the body in dry blood for at least 30 days.... and old people bleed easily..

If youre THAT paranoid about catching something for bbbj... then either dont do it or stick with working in nursing home. Besides.. i doubt a guy wants a half ass BJ and thats what it would be if youre busy wondering if youre going to get a blister rather than how good it feels.
B.Wayne's Avatar
Are you wrong for it? No. but I don't think asking for papers for a BBBJ is all that common if I had to guess.
I don't think it is wrong to ask for paperwork, but for me it would kill the moment. I personally don't have any paperwork to confirm the absence of any STD and thats because I've never been tested for any STD. The reason being I've never experienced any symptoms that would indicate the presence of an STD of any kind nor am I promiscuous in or out of this hobby. Just to give you an Idea the last girl I saw on Eccie was July of 2011. The girls I know in my private life I am quite familiar with their life BCD. I am very selective and quite cautious. You mentioned Herpes in your Thread. Although it's uncurable it can be treated and controlled and the best part it isn't life threaening. Just the same who would want it. So you have two choices do everything covered or find something else to do to support yourself. You have to do what you feel comfortable with and what you can live with, period.

ty for the replies and when it comes to kissing...some guys have asked me to do it bt i say no if their breath stinks...straight up!! maybe i am being way too cautious bt at the end of the day i want want to be safe. thats all im trying to say. there are even some guys who their genitls smell funny/stinks and im realy not doing bbj if it doesnt smell clean down there. even if they did get checked a week ago that would make me happy.. if its two months ago i would be for working in a nursing home you wear gloves and its a very clean enviroment. ive worked in a nursing home for three yrs and u cant catch anything there unless its an extreme accident with a needle or something of the sort. and im not paranoid i jus want to be safe. u cant blame me for that.
Cpalmson's Avatar
It might not be wrong. You set your own rules, but you will eliminate a large pool of potential clients.
wrong... you can catch a lot in nursing homes and medical facilities.. even so called clean hotels. Unless you carry a microscope hunny.. u never know. And much worse things than an std. Hell you can get TB by some client or some patient at nursing home.. coughing on ya. FACT

If someone bleeds a drop of blood... and it gets cleaned up with simple soap and water.. its still there. You just cant see it. Any many things like hep... can still srvive on that dry blood.. God forbid you have a cut on ur hand or where ever.
And nursing homes- Most residence are not checked for STDs because we just dont imagine that fuck. Im sure they still masterbate. and believe it or not... they touch things that u touch without gloves.
Like i said- if the hobbyist gets tested 2 months ago... he can easily still have something he caught a week ago. If he got tested yesterday.. who is to say he didnt catch something last night. And some STDs wont show for weeks.. so yesterdays paperwork... may not be accurate anyway.

Id say again if youre that paranoid then u need to stick with what youre doing which is nonGFE or find another occupation. But i can probably bet, business will suck if u require a gentleman to show u his personal info on paperwork.. when all he wants is a sloppy bbbj... he can simply go to the next girl and not have to jump through as many hoops.

I respect that you want to be safe... but there is being safe and being educated on STDs and bloodborne pathogens. Paperwork doesnt prove anything. Just stick with what youre already doing..
i havent asked anyone for paper work. and actualy im doing quite fine for buisiness. ive done bbj to regulars once i feel ike ill be safe with them after thefirst vistit. im jus saying starting off tho..
guys wont be jumping thru hoops. either its not jus for me its so the kno for themselves also.
As someone mentioned. You might be in the wrong profession if your that worried about it. I heard you can even catch herpes from drinking from someone else drink so I don't think a condom isn't going to help.
no im not in the wrong profession. im still NEW. when u guys were new im sure there was stuff u werent used to doing and eventually got comfortable with it so the same is going for me. give me a break..i can c if i been doing it for years then i would b in the wrong
Well, down at the Pearland Flea Market in South Houston, you can get fake ID'S, Drivers Liscense, Social Security Cards, Green Cards, Pass Ports etc.

I suppose ole Juan Valdez can fix a guy up with a fake health certificate.