HELP help PLEH pleh attorney anmessages block

first help with messages the metal plate will be later......

help please remove allowance of receving me messages in my box on here except from mods admins

restrict sendind me email

please do this asap i tried couldntv figure itv out.

ps: im desperatly lookin 4 attorney in ark, or okla help with babies.

i simply have no time for emails u can call or write with a gift
im workin on gettin mykiuds back myb babies of my fund help an meetin good lovin folks along the way the journey may be long..........hope its healing rewardin an loving

filled generous karing folks
ib need see neauraligist later an geno i have two operations may have to talk place suks.........

anyhoo just please removre the messages from my email sendin fcrom ur site am the pms thanks

love, amy
ben dover's Avatar
Wicket's Avatar
Does someone have a translator?
  • GNG
  • 06-23-2012, 07:49 AM
The OP's avatar needs to go...not exactly appropriate for this type of board.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
The OP's avatar needs to go...not exactly appropriate for this type of board. Originally Posted by Roger Murdock
Exactly. I tried to use the Blind Faith album cover as my avatar pic one time and a mod said no way, Jose...
shorty's Avatar
I'm thinking Dr. SL needs to translate for us the true meaning behind what she's saying. Of course she would get a SL treatment shirt for services rendured.
Uhhhh wha?!?

small package's Avatar
The OP's avatar needs to go...not exactly appropriate for this type of board. Originally Posted by Roger Murdock
+ 1 ... I think we just all need to pray for her at this point , it's turned from nuts to sad
is this the same nutjob that was looking for sperm donors to knock her up?

Oh my lanta!! Yet another sperm that shoulda been swallowed.
small package's Avatar
Yep ! Please welcome her back to Ok ! Please ?
uh.. Ill welcome her back to Okla with a padded room and straight jacket maybe
This has to be a joke - and her poor kids if they turn out as bad as she is - whew !!
She cant spell and her grammar is terrible and this crazy idea about having 6 kids and blowing up to 250 lbs. and going back to nature.
All i can say is good luck young sure there is some guy out there willing to knock you up - but the old fasjioned way.
Hope all your dreams come true but it isnt going to be easy by the way your grammar and spelling looks in your ad.
pyramider's Avatar
uh.. Ill welcome her back to Okla with a padded room and straight jacket maybe Originally Posted by LusciousLacy

I did not know you were into BDSM.