The best man

australian_hell_yun's Avatar
I was asked yesterday to be the best man of a close friends wedding/funeral. I responded with a no worries "mate", therefore I took on this task. Now, having the power, it comes with great responsibilities. 1st, talking him out of it. If that fails then comes step 2. The bloody bachelor party. This is where specialties play in. Atlantic city. I have no choice but to get the bloke wasted and laid as much as I can. Poor bastard, he's not going to know what hit him.

And to top it off, his fiancé knows my ways. So, in the back of her mind, she knows that the Aussie demon is going to come out and he's going to get laid.

On a further note, I have slept with 2 of the brides maids and had a one finger party in the cabbage patch of the bride.
On that further note I think your valiant efforts are warranted and neccesary. Get that man in the middle of a orgy promptly!
Man I need to visit the Outback!
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
Nah mate. I live in the states now. But to help a bloke out. They're three Sheila's to every one mate. Happy hunting if you get the chance to visit Australia.
DallasRain's Avatar
Baby---everytime you write something,my panties get all wet!
I agree with Miss D!
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
Well, I have the both of on my list. Nicolet has got the luxury to speak to me and see what I look like.
Guest041817's Avatar
I gotta agree with Dallas...mmmm sooo sexy!!
I want you in the flesh, my lusty one!
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
Bloody soon.
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
We people. I was unsuccessful in talking to bloke out of getting married. So, my inner demon has been unleashed, time to plan the bachelor party.
Uh oh! You may succeed yet!
LarryLegend's Avatar
I love bachelor parties, Debauchery at its best!