your prefered type of session....

DallasRain's Avatar
there is alot of discussion on GFE...PSE...FETISH.....KINK... ..BDSM.......SENSUALISM, etc when describing sessions

So my question is:
What is your prefred type session?/ what requirements or desires do you have for a session?
My favorite sessions are the ones that feel natural and organic. I hate when it feels staged, faked, rushed, or mechanical. The session should flow naturally from one activity to the next whether its gfe or pse. Even when a provider has no limitations to her menu, i might not partake in every option if thats not the direction the session is going. However, when a provider tells me to fuck her in the ass or pull out and cum on her face, i happily oblidge. In fact, that is the best session for me. When a woman is both submissive to my desires, but also aggressive in telling me that she wants me to do specific things. Hearing a woman say those words is a huge turn on.
LarryLegend's Avatar
PSE, would like to try BDSM
When You Are Ready's Avatar
I don't have a preference, but I like to test the boundaries to find that lost treasure. Like averagejoe said, it needs to feel real. There has to be some emotion rather than that "check list" feeling.

DallasRain's Avatar
good answers gents!

I like a session to just "go with the flow"..."whatever happens,happens...and it's all good"
plainjoe's Avatar
Dallas - if I remember correctly, sessions with you pretty much includes all listed...sessions go with the flow and depending upon the give and take of both involved. Woooo Hooo!
there is alot of discussion on GFE...PSE...FETISH.....KINK... ..BDSM.......SENSUALISM, etc when describing sessions

So my question is:
What is your prefred type session?/ what requirements or desires do you have for a session? Originally Posted by DallasRain

Dallas as long as YOU are there, nothing else matters.
DallasRain's Avatar
ok ladies----yall can answer too! lol
I like gents who are ready to have fun, and not just the obvious way. I enjoy being able to laugh and enjoy my guests company. Sometimes we get wrapped up in the moment, really giving it a go, and I will start giggling! Laughter leads to other things, like me taking him by the hand (or whatever else is handy!) and go to another room for more adventures there!
I like the GFE plus sessions! So much more fun!
  • Paven
  • 09-24-2012, 06:04 PM
Slow and sensual with a dash of humor added in .
I prefer sensual sessions where we "go with the flow"...
Advertisement Answer:

I love all sessions, as long as the guy is great and we find at least one interesting thing to talk about, and several interesting things to do, it'll be a great date. Its hard to have a preference when there are so many variables...a shy guy + a BDSM session is just wild but so is two really upbeat personalities slowing things down for a "sensual" session, its all so good. I can't even handle thinking about all of these sexy possibilities, I'm going to cum...oh goodness yes, I'm cumming.

Honest Answer:

I love the sessions where a guy leaves me a tip and the next date already booked.

At the end of the day, my business model revolves around consistency and reward. I offer a few different types of services but no matter what we're doing I bring the same level of enthusiasm to each. That way, my clientèle are encouraged to try every new service I introduce to them because they know its going to be awesome regardless.

As they continue repeat booking, they get "rewarded" with increasingly erotic services. But the quality of each service is still at the higest level (consistency), which ensures value for the client and builds a trust that no matter what we do, it will be well worth it.

I don't offer anything I don't want to do with anyone I don't want to do it with so there's really no sense in having a "preference" after he and I have reached that comfort level. I feel like if it were known that I preferred one particular activity over another, potential clients would assume I'd only perform that one particular type of session best and everything else sub-par to that.

That's not a smart business move, I'd rather the idea be "everything she does is awesome so you have to try everything to fully experience this level of utter awesomeness!"

I appreciate your question Dallas, and opening up to the providers, but I just feel like its not wise to box ones self in like that. From my experience, if you limit yourself to a "speciality" too strictly or state a "preference" you only reach that niche market. Encouraging the notion that "anything can happen as we grow to trust and know eachother" is much more appealing to all audiences. Your repeats feel special and become regulars, your regulars really think you are their girlfriend, and your wallet stays fat!

So, I'd like to hear more about the guys preferences for my own purposes, but as a provider, I'm going to opt to keep my personal feelings secret as part of my "feminine allure", lol.
I like it when it's taken from me, like my first time.

Translation: an aggressive approach.
Gtown's Avatar
  • Gtown
  • 09-27-2012, 02:43 PM
Have you ever watched a "wifey" video where she is just mesmerized by the cock and is sucking and stroking and making eye contact? THAT kind of session.
lat's Avatar
  • lat
  • 09-27-2012, 02:58 PM
I agree with you on that !