Okay heres a joke for everyone !!

This woman walks into this she has $50 in her pocket . She walks up to this man sitting at a table by himself . Says I bet you $50 that I can out rythmn your rythmn . The man looks at her and says ok go for it . She says here's my rythmn . If I throw my pussy out to sea would you be so kind and bring it back to me . The man looks at her and says you dirty bitch heres your money get the fuck away from my table.
Now she has $100 . She walks up to this second man sitting at a table by himself . She says to him I bet you $100
that I can out rythmn your rythmn . The man looks at her and says ok go for it . She says heres my rythmn . If I throw my pussy out to sea would you be so kind and bring it back to me . The man looks at her and says you filthy whore heres your money get the fuck away from my table.
Now she has $200 . She walks up to this 3rd man sitting by himself .
She says to him I bet you $200 that I can out rythmn your rythmn . The man looks at her and says ok go for it . She says heres my rythmn . If I throw my pussy out to sea would you be so kind and bring it back to me . The man looks at her takes his money off the table puts it in his pocket , then takes her money off the table and puts it in his pocket . She said hey give me my money I won that ,
He says no here is my rythmn . She says ok go for it . So here he goes .. If that time shall ever pass I'll pull a canoe out of my ass, I'll use my dick as an oar and stroll that pussy right to shore ..
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