dodged a bullet

heavyraidersfan's Avatar
Just dodged a bullet here

Texted her yesterday and everything seemed OK. Made an appointment for today at 8pm. Got to texting today and I asked for a verification pic, she agreed and proceeded to take a hhr to get it to me. It was her. This whole time her grammar had been horrible in the texts. Confirmed the time and she said ok. 20 minutes later I text that I would call her when I was leaving my place to get the hotel name. She texts back that she now has a family function at 8 and can I come sooner. Told her I would try and proceeded to get ready. Just leaving town to head down to Bismarck and I call her. Doesnt know who I am and tells me shes being booked into jail. Cant hardly understand a word she says and then she asks me if I know Tim. Told her to forget it and came home. She was either very drunk or very stoned when we spoke. Ive been both and know how that sounds. She text me about some practical joke "they" were trying to play on a friend. Should have known with low rates and very desperate to keep the appointment.
Cant tell, is that same as I had decent time with Heather, but not sure it is same person??
heavyraidersfan's Avatar
I dont think so, the pic she sent me she had black hair and called herself Amber. She text me about an hour and a half after our failed phone call and said she just realized what had happened, that she had made a mistake. Could kinda tell by her text that she was a little more sober but not a lot.
Good bullet to miss. Try Heather, I had a good time with her, and she didnt rush at all
Thanks for the heads up. I had a run in with Amber as well and I don't think it's booze or weed that she is on. I don't like to spread rumors but after seeing your post I figured I should at least give my perspective to hopefully save some other people from a potential bad experience. I'm pretty sure she was on meth when I met her (did not go through with my appointment thankfully). I've been around tweakers before and her behavior was very similar to that. I would avoid.

Having said that, I have seen a review for Heather on here that lines up with what you are saying. However, the thing is, Amber was telling me that she sometimes shares rooms with Heather. Don't know if that means they both get tweaked out or not.
It's good that you were able to avoid a bad situation, but bad because there were several legit companions available in Bismarck that would have been good choices at the time. Hate it when stuff like this happens. A person has to do so much research lately and then it goes south in a moments notice. Better luck next time. Thanks for trying to take one for the team.
Amber and Heather are not the same person,. Amber has people taking her texts,. I've seen her before and she was tipsy in the afternoon so easily drunk by evening
I had reviewed this gal before, Amber, and had a good time with her...however, I'd seen her before noon...she did appear a little querky when I'd seen her and rumors then was that she was a druggy. I saw that she was in town but I think I'll pass...hopefully heather isn't like this as I'd like to see her based on Jblows review...