Update the upstate showcases

wantsome's Avatar
I'm the kind of guy that when I get the urge, I go looking. At any other time I usually try and concentrate on real life, so I cant say I'm always up-to-date on the current status/activity of many of the providers.

Well, today I have the urge. I go looking at the upstate showcase here and realize a few are no longer active or have moved away...and thats just the ones that I know of. I assume there are quite a few showcases that are dead and just haven't been deleted.

My questions are:
How often are the showcases reviewed to see if the provider is still providing? and if this is actually done, who is responsible for this? Is it maybe just a wait until the showcase expires situation or does the lady have to proactively request being deleted?

It sure makes it difficult to find some action when you call and the number has been reassigned to someone else.
wantsome's Avatar
Wow! I'm getting old and forgetful. I just found a thread from a little over a month ago that addresses this same issue. So I retract my bitching. Please disregard this rant and proceed with your life.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Please disregard this rant and proceed with your life. Originally Posted by wantsome