Let me just say...


Some of you maybe wondering who I am, where did I come from and where have I been. I moved back to MS in 2008, from TX, and I can emphatically state that my reception here in the GTR (Golden Triangle Region) area, was less than welcoming.

The majority of initial requests were down right rude, so I took a break. Sometimes, the money offered is not worth the headache.

However, recently, there have been a spate of gentlemen requesting entertainment in this area, much to my delight, but almost all of the contacts have started off by asking if I see 'white" clients.

Allow me categorically state:

I do not discriminate against anyone because of their ethnic background. I do have one caveat, and that is, I do not see morbidly obese clients. Before someone "flames" me, please allow me to explain:

While in TX, I had a good provider friend who was visiting with an obese client. To wit, that client had a major heart attack and died. The subsequent bruhaha was that, first responders were called, then the law, and then someone had to notify the client's wife. This is not a good situation. One in which I would not like to place myself.

Hence, I do not see morbidly obese clients.

So, if you'd like to book with me, please don't ask me if I see clients of any "race"; it is good information to know when booking, but it is not a factor of my seeing you. However, if one is rude, condescending and not willing to follow my etiquette as set forth, I will not see you.

I'm just saying...

Sometimes, the money offered is not worth the headache.

Originally Posted by KatherineVernon

However, if one is rude, condescending and not willing to follow my etiquette as set forth, I will not see you.

I'm just saying...
Originally Posted by KatherineVernon

BTW Love your new menu KV!