Where are the BFE gentlemen?

Just thought I would ask, I see acouple of the gentlemen have it in their signatures. Yes I know hobbyist are the ones who pay, and all the good stuff. I see the guys like GFE, so gentlemen are you BFE?

Ladies can jump in to!!!! I know the wham bam slams get old sometimes.....

What are you thoughts, or for those spelling and grammar Nazis.....feel free to rip my paragraph up.....hehehe.
ForeverYoung's Avatar
I like the GFE ladies and enjoy trying to be, what I think, is a BFE for them. The total package.....conversation, light touches, looking for some common experiences, etc... before the heavy breathing begins and cuddling after. It's common for me to take a small inexpensive gift, not money or gift cards, but something I think they would appreciate from the research i've done on them. After the date I will follow up the next day with a short personal note letting them know I enjoyed my time with them.
This approach works very well for me. Even though I'm fairly new to the hobby, I have spent some excellent time with a number of ladies. I have one GFE I see on a regular schedule and am actively looking for one more regular.

The "wham bam thank you mama" is fine for some, but it's not for me.
At the risk of sounding like a dope..... You may have fun at the destination, but if you don't take time to enjoy the journey you miss a lot of the fun.
I enjoy a good BFE myself. Unfortunately that can be hard to do in a 1 hr appt, just as a GFE can be. That's why I let my clients know that the time we spend together is directly proportionate to the kind of activity we can get into, lol.
oldmarine's Avatar
I would guess that a BFE experience would be as varied for the ladies as it is for the men. It is well documented in these forums that the definition for men is a function of the likes and dislikes of the individual and that there is no real standard other than some loosely defined minimum set of activities such as kissing, etc.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
My experience is that providers are like us, they like different things. I knew a civilian chick once who dated only married men because they were safe, another who liked the plump dudes, so who knows? We can all try, but BFE, like GFE, is a moveable feast, but a fine meal nonetheless. One caveat...we're paying for the illusion of GFE, they are providing that illusion in return for a fee. The fee, not BFE, is what's truly important.
Jasser's Avatar
This is actually pretty interesting. We all know what guys consider GFE, but what do you ladies consider a BFE? If I rip one in the sheets with you and keep you under, would that be considered a BFE? KIDDING!
As a mid 50's gentleman, I like taking my time. Sipping wine, making toasts, kissing, teasing,nibbling, sipping more wine, more kissing, visual stimulation, mental stimulation,whispers, sipping more mine, many more kisses...well, you get the picture.
Travelmind's Avatar
I'm with Italian1. I'm mid 40s but for me BFE & GFE relaxes me so I'm not so nervous. I'm the shy guy until I get to know someone.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 05-19-2010, 05:48 PM
As a mid 50's gentleman, I like taking my time. Sipping wine, making toasts, kissing, teasing,nibbling, sipping more wine, more kissing, visual stimulation, mental stimulation,whispers, sipping more mine, many more kisses...well, you get the picture.
Cheers! Originally Posted by italian1
Yeah, I get the picture.

You drive providers crazy!!
  • djxk8
  • 05-19-2010, 06:07 PM
I was discussing this during an appointment yesterday....

I enjoy the GFE, in fact it is the first thing I look for when looking for someone.

And the thing is, strange as it may, or may not be, is that one of my biggest turn ons in seeing/hearing a woman enjoying herself (or at the very least doing a convincing act! .

Mutual Satisfaction, makes for a more enjoyable appointment and in my experience, makes things all the more fun with future visits.

I would like to think I am BFE, but that maybe arrogant...
So what exactly is BFE?

When you don't need 8 shots of vodka to pretend you like me for an hour?
Hercules's Avatar
I give BFE....

I get to her place. Plop down on her couch. Take off my dirty smelly sneakers. Turn on the game. Scratch, burp, fart and yell at her "Get me a beer bitch!".

Can't get more BFE then that.
Thanks for the responses,

BFE= After placing the donation down, you ask me to get you a cold beer, give me four good pumps, scratch and fart at the same time, and asking for another beer. Hehehehe, while you flip through my cable looking for ESPN. Look at me sideways and ask me whats in the fridge.

Sigh I joke!

Seriously, those guys who are BFE come over, jump in the shower with me, kiss, cuddle, talk about things, hump, and cuddle some more. Those men are far and few in between.

BFE is greatly appreciated, though I am aware it is your fantasy, but providers remember those who didn't make us feel like a piece of meat.

Oh some of us ladies really appreciate when guys send thank you notes in pm, it makes us feel really special well at least i do.
rakuguy's Avatar

Seriously, those guys who are BFE come over, jump in the shower with me, kiss, cuddle, talk about things, hump, and cuddle some more. Those men are far and few in between. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
...yes we are
ShysterJon's Avatar
I try to act like a boyfriend with every provider I see. It comes naturally for me, though. I'm unemployed, in and out of jail a lot, and I'm looking for a girl to keep me in gold chains and tattoos. I'm also a great babymaker.