IA elections

tinman483's Avatar
ROFLOAO! I duno if if this is funny or sad? IA 'democrat'' elections still have 'inconsistencies' in them and not released yet at 3:25 in the morning? And they expect us to be concerned about some hacking into voting irregularity's? Maybe they should have Ukraine help them with them!
tinman483's Avatar
Let me be correct here!

Ok and I know it is a 'caucus' cock us! But are we to take it serious?
It looks smart for Bloomie to have avoided this.

Now, if he could only avoid the discussion about what kind of box he is going to stand on for the next debate!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Making sure Bernie gets hosed takes a while.
bambino's Avatar
It’s the Liberal way, they all got a trophy!!!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Chung Tran's Avatar

Now, if he could only avoid the discussion about what kind of box he is going to stand on for the next debate! Originally Posted by friendly fred
that is absurd, Trump stating Bloomberg wants a box. Trump just tosses lies like children toss dandelions.

Iowa is a clusterfuck. this is it for them, in 2024 they will not host the first Caucus/Primary, they will lose the only thing they were ever noted for.
obnoxiousram's Avatar
The Democrats are trying to screw Bernie already. And discourage the also rans into quitting now than later. That's why we should have paper ballots.
A big shout out to the Democrats for gifting the election to Trump!!! Whoohoo
HoeHummer's Avatar
So how important is this Iowas thing, eh?

Who runs it?

How big is it?

Do they speaks English in what?

Is it part of Kansas?

LOLLING the clusterfuck that is America today.
obama doesn't want Bernie

hellary says everyone hates Bernie

the dim hierarchy is here to obey

the "inconsistency" is the caucus outcome versus the dim establishment desire
Years ago, in the Democrat Primaries, ole racist George Wallace was winning one of the big nights. He said at about 8 o’clock, the powers that be said they had to “recapitulate the vote”. After they “recapitulated” the vote, he was in third.

In his speech, he jokingly said,.....”if anybody ever comes up and threatens to “recapitulate” you, you better run like hell.

I think only Bern just got “recapitulated”.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
But .. this was THEIR YEAR! anyone can beat Evil Lord Trump, right??

what a clusterfuck!

We don't know yet who won the Iowa caucuses. But here's what we do know.


DES MOINES — More than 2,500 campaign stops. A field that at times topped 20 candidates. And more than 1,600 Iowa Democratic caucus precincts, primed to kick off the 2020 primary season.

And it only took about three hours for it to start crumbling.

The results of the Iowa Democratic caucuses were delayed Monday night, with the state party citing issues with the reporting process that involved three times the results as previous caucuses.