Republicans urging GOP voters to vote for Sanders in South Carolina primary: report

  • oeb11
  • 02-04-2020, 06:40 PM

State Republican leaders in South Carolina are urging GOP voters to vote for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in the state's Feb. 29 Democratic primary.
The plan - orchestrated by Greenville GOP chairman Nate Leupp and several other prominent Republican Party leaders - revolves around GOP leadership's belief that Sanders poses the least amount of challenge to President Trump in November's general election and its goal of getting the Palmetto State's Democratic lawmakers to agree to close the state's primaries.

"Bernie Sanders is the most socialistic, liberal candidate running in the Democratic presidential preference primary," Leupp told The Post and Courier. "So we feel we can make a strong point that our Democratic state legislators need to help work to close our primaries so it protects them as well as the Republican brand."
Currently, South Carolina has open primaries, meaning voters don't have to be associated with a political party in order to cast a ballot.
According to the paper, Leupp and company are set to unveil their plan on Thursday at a press conference at the GOP's headquarters in Greenville.
In the latest Post and Courier poll, Sanders only trailed former Vice President Joe Biden, who has long been the favorite in the state, by five percentage points.
Leupp said that he believes that the state's large Republican voter base could make the difference in the primary. To his point, in 2016 roughly 740,000 people voted in the state's GOP presidential primary, while only 370,000 voted in the Democratic version.
"I think we can easily affect the outcome," Leupp told the paper. "This is going to catch on like wildfire."

I love it when the Fascist DPST's get hoist on their own petard.

Vote Bernie - I have planned for some time.

The Communist needs to be exposed for not the kind old Uncle Bernie - but the Joe Stalin communist he is. And won't be giving up one peny or bit of his nomenklatura privilege.

Hell - I would vote for H.... before Bernie on Nov election.

He is the ideal nominee to expose the Fascist DPST radicalism - and have America not be morphed into amerika by the LSM and Communist sympathizers.
  • oeb11
  • 02-04-2020, 06:41 PM
ftw - if you don't like my words - such as fascist DPST - One is welcome to post something other than name-calling scatologic "underage" bleating. and bloviating.
I personally find this disgusting, and right out of the Democrats playbook. It isn't necessary(Trump will beat anyone currently running), and anybody increasing the possibility the Sanders could be president of the United States is un-American and downright terrifying.

Sanders would destroy us, but half of the population is blinded by his fascist rhetoric. Don't underestimate the effect of his followers thuggery on our elections.

Trump was the Republican primary winner because the Democrats knew that he was their only hope of Hillary winning.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Reminiscent of "Operation Chaos" past.

Time for Operation Chaos 3.0? I can be persuaded to vote Bernie on Super Tuesday. My November vote is reserved for Trump though.
Chung Tran's Avatar
sounds like the Trump folks are obsessed with another opponent. first it was Biden (Ukraine, hello?), but it is clear Biden is not going anywhere.. Trump felt the burn of Sanders taking Iowa, so it became "the Democrat establishment is trying to force poor Bernie out", and now a campaign to fudge the vote in South Carolina.

leave it alone, and run on your merit. get rid of your obsession.
... but it is clear Biden is not going anywhere.. ... Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You got that right, Biden's not going anywhere...except the exit.

I'm crossing over to vote for Bernie in the Texas primary.

Bernie winning the Dim nomination motivates people to not only vote for Trump but vote for the Republicans.
  • oeb11
  • 02-05-2020, 10:34 AM
G - men.

Bernie and his Communist Totalitarian ilk are the death knell of our democratic republic.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Dumb twat. Give your labia a tug, oebsy!

Looks like Trump is going to lose to a young homosexuals or an old midget who could buy and sell his orangutans ass.

What if Bloomberg offered to bail Trump’s failed business empire out to leave?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Dumb twat. Give your labia a tug, oebsy!

Looks like Trump is going to lose to a young homosexuals or an old midget who could buy and sell his orangutans ass.

What if Bloomberg offered to bail Trump’s failed business empire out to leave? Originally Posted by HoeHummer

what if yous got BANNED?

#Yssup Rider
HoeHummer's Avatar
What if yous got your ass kicked by a Jewish Lawyer?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What if yous got your ass kicked by a Jewish Lawyer? Originally Posted by HoeHummer

who's Jewish Lawyer?

#Yssup Rider
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Reminiscent of "Operation Chaos" past.

Time for Operation Chaos 3.0? I can be persuaded to vote Bernie on Super Tuesday. My November vote is reserved for Trump though. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

chaos 3.0? go for it!!! teach them dems a lesson by opening the primary to everyone who's not part of the other party.