obama care rationing

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
How Obamacare Rations Care for the Sick


When the health reform debate began more than a dozen years ago, most public health advocates touted the need for universal coverage. By the time Congress passed the Affordable Care Act (ACA), however, it had become predicated on also making care accessible for people with pre-existing conditions.

More restrictive networks is one of the ways Obamacare holds costs down. Keep in mind networks also become narrow when doctors refuse to affiliate with Obamacare plans due to low fees.

It really didn't help people who were truly sick with preexisting conditions.

so how did this help them????
Chung Tran's Avatar
it did help people with pre-existing conditions, and it helps people who otherwise could not afford private plans, by offering tax credits to help pay. it is an imperfect system, as basically all Health Plans are, private or public.

but just because it is flawed, doesn't mean it should be scrapped, and NO health plan offered to those without workplace insurance.

"repeal and replace".. ahh, the forgotten Trumpian words. I've heard plenty of repeal, and nothing about replace. the Republicans have always ceded the healthcare discussion to Democrats, all the way back to the Wagner-Murray-Dingell Bill almost 70 years ago.
rexdutchman's Avatar
flawed never work from the start
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
it did help people with pre-existing conditions, and it helps people who otherwise could not afford private plans, by offering tax credits to help pay. it is an imperfect system, as basically all Health Plans are, private or public. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

it helped some, but not all of them. the networks were restricted and weren't open to everyone.

that itself is a failure.

but just because it is flawed, doesn't mean it should be scrapped, and NO health plan offered to those without workplace insurance.

It should be scrapped. it has too many fucking problems that would years to fix.

you make a provision that fixes one problem only to find out later that the new provision broke other provisions and they to be fixed.

we're talking about a 10,000 page of hot mess.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
It's the network thing where politicos are bringing up the Medicare angle.
Regardless, if nationalized health care is the objective, stop mucking around and do that.