First the dems. Now China. White flags everywhere!

gfejunkie's Avatar
They're all waving the white flag of surrender!


Go ahead and say it, China... Say "uncle".

Thank you, President Trump!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
China to inject $174 billion of liquidity on Monday as markets reopen


State news agency Xinhua said on Sunday that China's economy was resilient enough to counter the shock caused by the virus, and said remarks made by a U.S. federal official - whom it did not name - that the virus could bring jobs back to the United States were "self-centered, unprofessional and unethical".

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross said last week that the virus could force companies to re-evaluate their supply chains, potentially returning some jobs to the United States.

"The remarks only served to taint the U.S. image as a major global player," Xinhua said in the commentary.

"An outbreak of a disease like this could not be the basis for multinational companies to make serious and long-term investment decisions in China...If the Chinese economy slows drastically, the U.S. economy will also suffer."
eccieuser9500's Avatar
There's a 70% chance of recession in the next six months, new study from MIT and State Street finds

Of course, a number of economic indicators suggest that the economy is chugging along just fine.

In January, private payrolls posted the highest monthly gain since May 2015, and December housing starts soared to a 13-year high. The U.S. economy grew 2.1% in the fourth quarter of 2019, and 2.3% for the entire year. The U.S. and China signed a "phase one" trade deal in January after months of geopolitical tensions rocking the market. All of these factors suggest continued economic expansion ahead.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Crashing Copper Prices Spell Trouble For Oil

For copper, in which China counts for over half the global demand, the recovery could be faster, but the question is: Recovery to what?

The coronavirus isn’t the only bogeyman scaring commodities; the trade war has also taken its toll.

Even though copper prices were given a bit of a reprieve on Wednesday when investors responded positively to the Chinese central bank’s move to pump stimulus into the economy, it may not be enough to offset the damage.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Thank you, President Trump! Originally Posted by gfejunkie

Since impeachment and all the other schemes against President Trump failed, the Democrats, the party of the working man, desperately hope for a recession to derail Trump.
  • oeb11
  • 02-06-2020, 05:47 AM
+1 - FF
mrredcat43's Avatar
It's a smoke screen. China, as well as the rest of the world, laughs at Trump and the states

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Fixed that for you.

CNBC spent all last year pushing the recession narrative. They stopped. Eventually we'll have a recession. Most likely when the Fed stops printing free money as they have been for almost 12 years.
gfejunkie's Avatar
White. The color of surrender...
It's a smoke screen. China, as well as the rest of the world, laughs at Trump and the states Originally Posted by mrredcat43
They can laugh but the joke is on them for underestimating Trump.
rexdutchman's Avatar
HoeHummer's Avatar
They can laugh but the joke is on them for underestimating Trump. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Yous need to lawyer up, fredsy.

They’re coming for the Hebrews next.

They can laugh but the joke is on them for underestimating Trump. Originally Posted by friendly fred
no one talked about nafta, china, the nato nations not paying and taking us for granted, unfair trade, until trump

trump was scoffed at about returning manufacturing to the u.s.,

he restored the keystone pipeline, quit the constant lambasting of the oil business, passed laws for the return of capital to the united states

getting our troops out of places they don't need to be, where they had been for many years

underestimate him but he is a man of action and doesn't back down in the face of lies
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
getting our troops out of places they don't need to be, where they had been for many years
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

he still working on that one.