more SOTU handwringing: Gina Haspel

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Haspel's clapping for Trump rankles intel veterans

CIA Director Gina Haspel’s attendance at President Donald Trump’s State of the Union on Tuesday—and her decision to stand and clap at certain lines—has surprised former senior intelligence officials who say the agency director should consistently appear nonpartisan.

why is that a problem?

Gina is an political appointee. I would expect her to support her president.

the civilians are not in the same category as the generals/admirals.
the left hated haspel anyway

I think the generals clapped for the tuskegee airman too and maybe at other times
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the left hated haspel anyway

I think the generals clapped for the tuskegee airman too and maybe at other times Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

yeah, only when a president is honoring one of their own people at the sotu; tuskagee air guy and the surprise sergeant homecoming.