Just in....Reffitt convicted on all counts

The fucker is a criminal. Justice was served.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
On a lighter note, did you read about how Hunter Biden's business partner was convicted of cheating native Americans with his partners. His other partners have famous powerful parents so they haven't been charged. See Pelosi, Kerry, Romney, and Biden.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Can we roll the video tape? You know, the video that the federal government is only letting us see part of.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
On a lighter note, did you read about how Hunter Biden's business partner was convicted of cheating native Americans with his partners. His other partners have famous powerful parents so they haven't been charged. See Pelosi, Kerry, Romney, and Biden. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

What about a what about note? What about ism?

Hard to be glib when your kind are being apprehended and punished. But you manage, eh?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-08-2022, 11:43 PM
On a lighter note, did you read about how Hunter Biden's business partner was convicted of cheating native Americans with his partners. His other partners have famous powerful parents so they haven't been charged. See Pelosi, Kerry, Romney, and Biden. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
See Bannon...who stole money from build the wall donors...and Trump pardoned
... So? ...

America is STILL gonna build the wall.

Starting construction again in 2025!

#### Salty
... So? ...

America is STILL gonna build the wall.

Starting construction again in 2025!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

That will give the illegals crossing something to laugh at as they walk around, go over or under.
... Something NEW to laugh-at, you mean.

They're surely laughing NOW with glee that they can just
walk right in with Biden on.

But the voters aint laughing - you'll see come November.

#### Salty
Salty. You are at least entertaining in your stupidity (like most Trumpys). They have these things called shovels. People use them to dig holes. And they can be made to go under walls (actually a fancy fence but I wouldn’t expect a Trumpy to know the difference). There’s also these things called ropes and another thing called a ladder. They can be used to go over a Wall/Fence. I know you Trumpys never heard of them but they do exist.
... Something NEW to laugh-at, you mean.

They're surely laughing NOW with glee that they can just
walk right in with Biden on.

But the voters aint laughing - you'll see come November.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Wait, don't I remember seeing Trump promoting his wall? What was it, like 300 yards....huge.
Salty. You are at least entertaining in your stupidity (like most Trumpys). They have these things called shovels. People use them to dig holes. And they can be made to go under walls (actually a fancy fence but I wouldn’t expect a Trumpy to know the difference). There’s also these things called ropes and another thing called a ladder. They can be used to go over a Wall/Fence. I know you Trumpys never heard of them but they do exist. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... And yer-own stupidity surely makes it difficult to
grasp basic logic... Such as they also make ENGINEERS
these days.... Lads at university who study ideas
of proper construction... And have defences for
the things you mention. ... Better Technology.

... But IF you prefer Open Borders there, mate
- Don't be a puss - just admit it and say so.

We surely understand that you gotta support
whatever shit Biden's selling.

#### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
I wonder why so many rich people choose to live behind a wall that can so easily be defeated?

Maybe just maybe one person at a time crawling under a fence or using a rope to get over a wall, giving border patrol with sensors time to reach the breach and arrest the few people able to do this is infinitely better than no wall at all where thousands can cross in a single day, but if one doesn't care about the border at all, what difference does it make to them.

I wonder if anybody ever told those Chinese the fallacy of building that wall, they are so famous for that could so easily be dug under or climbed over?

And then one must ask, why did all those Democrats before Trump start that wall, sorry, fence, in the first place?


Mulvaney said that Obama, Schumer and Clinton voted for a border wall in 2006.
They did vote for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which authorized building a fence along about 700 miles of the border between the United States and Mexico.
Still, the fence they voted for is not as substantial as the wall Trump is proposing. Trump himself called the 2006 fence a "nothing wall."