Meanwhile, The Good News!

dumars's Avatar
Don the Con has been indicted

Might have to go to church this weekend!!
I think he was just claiming that. But it’s not happened yet.
I was wrong. Me insiders have told me 7 count indictment today.
matchingmole's Avatar
Civil war
matchingmole's Avatar
Civil war Originally Posted by farmstud60

Apr 12, 1861 – Apr 9, 1865
Civil war Originally Posted by farmstud60
Lol. Post of the day. Vive La revolution
Big deal.
  • Tiny
  • 06-08-2023, 09:34 PM
If they're going to try to put Trump in jail it at least ought to be over something substantive instead of confidential records or paying off a porn star. This is a sad day for America. And I'd say the same if Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden were in Trump's shoes right now.

Admittedly if he's found guilty, it will be poetic justice, given that he tried to get the DOJ to prosecute Hillary. Still this just isn't right.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Civil war Originally Posted by farmstud60
Apr 12, 1861 – Apr 9, 1865 Originally Posted by matchingmole

civil war 2.0

June 2015 to present.

it's all about getting Trump. by any means ...

Big deal. Originally Posted by Jackie S

it is a big deal that the far left would be this obvious that we are now a

the United States of Banana

Civil war Originally Posted by farmstud60

Who’s going to lead it? Enrico and Stuart? Seems they are going to be busy for a while.
Lol. Post of the day. Vive La revolution Originally Posted by 1blackman1

The police state-of-the-art the Democrats is full steam ahead. They shred the Constitution, and make Nazis look like good guys
ICU 812's Avatar
The best candidate for President Biden to run against is Mr. Trump. Everyone left of center hates him. Many on the center-right dislike him. So what does that mean for the Biden campaign if Mr Trump is actually in jail or just so badly damaged that he cannot be the Republican candidate?

My take on this is that if Mr. Trump is not the candidate, President Biden will be faced with a Republican ticket of two reasonable people who don't throw a public tantrum whenever crossed. And all the centrist undecided voters will see President Biden as the doddering old clown that he has been allowed to become and VP Harris as the incompetent, affirmative action place holder everyone knows her to be.
If they're going to try to put Trump in jail it at least ought to be over something substantive instead of confidential records or paying off a porn star. This is a sad day for America. And I'd say the same if Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden were in Trump's shoes right now.

Admittedly if he's found guilty, it will be poetic justice, given that he tried to get the DOJ to prosecute Hillary. Still this just isn't right. Originally Posted by Tiny
Your sense of Justice is pretty pitiful. You clearly believe some people are above the law. Maybe we should start selling and awarding people No Jail cards. If you’re rich you can purchase enough cards to avoid any prosecution. And let’s not prosecute any politicians for any crimes.

It’s becoming more and more clear that Trump broke the law. Then instead of just returning the documents he went through the trouble of trying to hide them so he could keep them. Then he made up some silly and relatively easy to debunk lies of why and how he kept the documents.

All of this is self inflicted. He coulda returned the docs and this would have all gone away. Instead he left the govt no option but to launch a full scale investigation ending with an indictment on a pretty serious crime.

And it’s pretty clear, from his own words caught on tape in 2021, that he had secret military plans to attack Iran, knew they were classified, knew he didn’t and couldn’t declassify them and that he had the doc in the presence of people without clearance to see them. All because there was an article about Milley that he didn’t like.

Tiny, it’s pretty sad that you want to see folks just break the law and walk just because they are rich or politicians.
Best day ever, Diaper Don is going down