guide line #3

offshoredrilling's Avatar
What are you 12 years old? You are and always will be a douchebag.
So, your sole purpose is to be annoying? Well then you have achieved your life's goal very well! What else have you contributed to this site besides your "wit"? Not much that I have seen - and yes I have been on the site less and less lately - mainly because I don't want to deal with juvenile fuckers like you, I just wanted to let you know that I, for one, do not find you at all funny - but I am sure you do find an appreciative audience amongst the monkeys here on this site. And I should know better than to feed the trolls.
Yeah, looks like he's going from douchebag to gay douchebag.
Said the troll.
dear mods guide line #3
Is that "in reality" or " by intent" ??????
but then that question could be ask on other guide lines.

just askin

edit add: was really thinkin of a thread in ML also (harm of reputation and disrespect). But can't post examples in the open.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 11-10-2013, 06:48 PM
Perhaps you could provide proper quotes so we know who said what? Come on OSD, you know how to do it. You getting lazy?

Now sure exactly what your question is and I am not going to look real hard to find one either.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Perhaps you could provide proper quotes so we know who said what? Come on OSD, you know how to do it. You getting lazy?

Now sure exactly what your question is and I am not going to look real hard to find one either. Originally Posted by GP
no not lazy. I remove by who by intent to keep just as a learning tool for me.
So in reality, that was more work.

the other one in ML recently closed (being careful not to out ML ya know)
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 11-10-2013, 07:06 PM
maybe if we had a clue what you meant by "Is that "in reality" or " by intent" ??????"

then we could help you.
The O.P. might have missed this.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 11-10-2013, 08:15 PM
DDarkness's Avatar

I apologize but WHO is it that you are referring to? The name calling is disrespect SO ... I'm thinking that I can't do squat with what you have posted above unless you give me a link!

Justin Heranus's Avatar
i just got my understanding OSD book written by perry, so i think i know what he is asking lol. with some of the insults that can fly here from time to time between members. some intentionally and some just joking. he was using the above quotes as an example and was not intending on getting the person into trouble or anything. he is more wondering is guide line #3 truly enforced and real or is it judged by the intent of the person who is making the statement. i could be wrong in translation of that lol. still reading the book .
he does make a valid point though. while some things well be let go which is not a bad thing, but other things get hammered upon. when you look at the ones that get hammered upon and ones that are let loose. some do seem identical. which in turn is going to make the person feel like they are being singled out or the "mods are out to get them". i know this rule can be a semi grey area, just looking to see what the mods thoughts are one the rule. then it will be clear of what can and can not be said.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 11-10-2013, 11:32 PM
If someone keeps putting their toe on the line, it is more likely to get stepped on. Trust me, I know this first hand! LOL
Justin Heranus's Avatar
thank you for the response. yes it is true if some one does push the line for to long they will get their toes stepped on. that is understandable. the problem is that some do not clearly know where the line is. the perception of the line will be different from person to person. it is human nature for this to happen. so one would inquire as to more detail to understand where it is more clearly. the guide line is some what general which can make it a grey area. just trying to get a better understanding of what the mods stand/ expectations are on this rule. then there will be no confusion on if our toes are getting on the line. thank you for your time in clarifying this .
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 11-11-2013, 12:03 AM
That is why there is a point system. If a person is approaching the magic "25" points, they know they need to tone it down a bit. Seem to work with some people, others just get more obstinate and usually end up on vacation.
Justin Heranus's Avatar
now are they warned before they are given points or is it they are just automatically given points? i have never gotten any points, so this is a learning thing to me.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 11-11-2013, 12:25 AM
It can go both ways, but I can say it is never wise to poke a bear. In Field decision. If more people approached things with the type of respect you display, there would be fewer in field decisions by angry bears.
Justin Heranus's Avatar
thank you for your quick responses in answering my questions and better understanding how things work around here. I appreciate that. though my inquiry was explained, i still think that OSD original inquiry might need more clarification on his concerns. might have to wait to he comes on line to better explain his question. thanks again for your time in explaining things and have a great night .
wow osd . not that you care but any respect I DID have for you just was lost foryour public tattling .