Finding reviews of unverified (by ECCIE) providers

Jagmeister's Avatar
How do you find the reviews for a provider who has not gone through the ECCIE process? I was reading a thread and saw that Salem has a page (actually 2) were all of her reviews are together. Any search in providers results in just verified and a global search to upstate New York gets all sorts of threads. There must be a way. Thanks.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
name used, or contact info. search in reviews
How do you find the reviews for a provider who has not gone through the ECCIE process? Originally Posted by Jagmeister
JohnnyCap's Avatar
In all due respect to the mods, be thorough if you are on the fence. Girls change names, a bad sign, and the mods certainly can't be expected to keep up with that. I am aware of one lady with five reviews assigned to four names in the last nine months. I think the only chance you'd have of catching that is to read all the comments too, and that might not do it. In respect of your fellow members, search before you request in the ISO forum, and provide what info you do have up front, it'll save the nice guys some time.
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