BR Sting or a Hoax?

I received a text message about a possible BR sting related to a verified provider.

Before sharing more, can a mod or admin please PM me? I do not want to share details if this happens to end up being a hoax or rivalry between providers.

Regardless, I'm pretty pissed that my # is making its way around to receive messages from folks that I do not know.
Lilyluvrubs's Avatar
I feel like i know what and who you are speaking of because i received the same text. I dont know how this guy got ahold of phone numbers that has had contact with her number and is terrorizing this poor girl she is not sure how to protect herself. He has acquired her phone& logged into her accounts then copied info from them. He is a genius on these phone and computers so he is able to stay 1 step ahead at all times. I know for a fact this so called sting is a hoax and this guy means to ruin her name & reputation. He has obtained her info while he had possession of her phone to fix the screen. He has had to be arrested for both stalking and asalt in just the past 4 days and has active warrents for violating the restraining order. I hope no one takes this seriously. She been advised to move from her home & to change her phone number im letting her ejoy any encaunters out of my hotel till we know for sure she is safe.
Sounds like her account(s) have been compromised.
I'll write it off as that was not her who PM'd me yesterday.

Hope she gets this all worked out.

Lily, let me know if you need any help w/anything.
Lily, thank you for responding as you are definitely someone that would know what's going on.

Please stay safe!
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
My concern is that I’ve never seen or spoke to her and my contact info was compromised.

Somehow, she had my number.
annie@christophers's Avatar
I can't see shit.. so I'm the blind mouse..
Are y'all saying it's Lily hurt over allegations? If so ...its probably just ( yep her again)
It would be nice if a person could clarify.
My shit was spread from here to kingdom co.e.. but it's the name of the game.
This place is so not so much fun anymore....
And man I had soooooo much fun here!!
Xxoo annie
I can't see shit.. Originally Posted by annie@christophers
They can't see anything either. Looks like a hoax that backfired is my guess, not sure tho.
I think they're bancationing.
myren1900's Avatar

Seeking ~P has her finger on the pulse of reality as usual !
She has a grasp of what is going on !
Nothing was written BCD. My original post has the whole story that I cared to share.

Lily has nothing to do with it, she just so happened to have received the same text.

Lily's explanation (idiot stalker) is likely what happened.

Edit: if a provider ban occurred due to this thread, then admin screwed up and I sincerely apologise for any misunderstanding. It wasn't my intention to do anything but keep everyone safe!
annie@christophers's Avatar
They can't see anything either. Looks like a hoax that backfired is my guess, not sure tho.
I think they're bancationing. Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
I hope she/he never. Has as much fun as we. . On our bannys.. j.s
Xxoo annie
annie@christophers's Avatar
They can't see anything either. Looks like a hoax that backfired is my guess, not sure tho.
I think they're bancationing. Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
I hope she/he never. Has as much fun as we. . On our bannys.. j.s
Xxoo annie

P.s.. behind closed doors means as a kid I would catch them In the bathroom.. lol
Not men's gross talk room. Ugh
Just clearing that up boo..