Service Dog Registration

Kay of Houston's Avatar
I've been doing some traveling and would like to travel more. Problem being I have to find pet sitters for my poodle. I would like to get here registered as a Service Dog but I don't know how to go about it. Any advice is much appreciated.

From what I understand, they need to pass a program to become a service dog. Recommend that you google service dog programs for the area you live and see what comes up. I wish I could be of more help than that, but it is a starting place. I work with a rescue and one or two of the dogs that fostered, became service dogs after being adopted. Good luck on the search
spacecharge's Avatar this web site has alot of good info on ADA service dogs, good luck
  • Luxie
  • 10-17-2015, 11:30 AM
Service dog accreditation really isn't a thing. Anyone can go and print off a certificate stating their dog is a service animal.
  • Luxie
  • 10-17-2015, 11:31 AM
Kay of Houston's Avatar
Right. I did find that she can be a Emotional Support Dog which doesn't require all the hours that it takes to be a "Service Dog". I just need to get a letter from a mental health provider.
Thanks for the input.
Stay Safe
chicagoboy's Avatar
Your plane-mates will be more impressed if you bring onboard an Emotional Support Ferret.
I can see that day going well....
Why am I thinking of the
"Day the Squirrel went berserk" song.... Ray Stevens?... Ah, yes....
Yeah, that's exactly how a plane ride in an inclosed space with a loose ferret would go...


Yep. It's common now to have (or register) Service Dogs for emotional support, say like if you have a little Anxiety?? That would be my first thought. Good luck! I LOVE Service Dogs!!! They are so blessed & amazing!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I've been doing some traveling and would like to travel more. Problem being I have to find pet sitters for my poodle. I would like to get here registered as a Service Dog but I don't know how to go about it. Any advice is much appreciated.

Kay Originally Posted by Kay of Houston
do you not think that is an abuse of the system? get your dog registered because you can't find a sitter?
Kay of Houston's Avatar
Not abuse of the system at all. I go thru anxiety when I'm away from her and I know she does as well. I have been treated and put on medications in the past and I prefer not to do that again.
TIADave's Avatar
I'm sure glad everyone doesn't think like you Kay, can you imagine a flight where everyone had a fucking service dog with them?

Its so fucking funny to me that all these people NEED this now, did those people just not fly 10 years ago? What on earth did you do when you had to leave the house 10 years ago?

This entire fucking world is getting so narcissistic that they no longer give a shit about anyone other than themselves and what THEY want.

One person on a flight has a peanut allergy and they ban peanuts from the flight. But I'm so sorry you have allergies to dog danger, because this little narcissistic prick brought their dog and they will be sitting next to you. Nothing we can do, they printed a fake certificate on their printer.

LEAVE YOUR DOG HOME, no one likes it but YOU!.