AOL sucks!

I don't use AOL, thank GOD, but I get emails from people using it. I don't know why, but the majority of my replies to AOLers gets sent back as undeliverable, 24 HOURS+ LATER!
Just a mini rant, over and done!
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 06-27-2013, 03:57 PM
"You've got Mail!" Or, rather, in this case, you don't!

Just found an AOL CD the other day. That brought back memories. I wallpapered a BIG wall with AOL CDs back in the day.

They sucked then, too. I'm actually kind of shocked every time I see an AOL e-mail addy, I guess I thought everyone abandoned them, and rightfully so.
speeedracer's Avatar
i still have an aol address, from when i was 16. i use it only as my spam account and it's the only way i can contact people i don't want my s.o. to know about, since she doesn't know i have it. i know when a provider gets an email from me, they're probably thinking, 'wtf', but, whatever. it's all i can do on the DL
Satyrrical's Avatar
AOL does indeed suck but my gawd the amount of play I got off that site in the 90s more than made up for high skool.