Hagglers - what is it they really want?

There are many types of calls a call-girl may get, but the most dreaded one might be that of the habitual haggler. This may be a bit of a rant, but the truth is I really am intrigued by the psychology behind it. I mean, what is it they are really looking for? A great date? Or the feeling like you got the better end of the deal?

I mean, I kinda get it. Sometimes when I go shopping, I find the most beautiful pair of shoes that match perfectly with the dress I was planning to wear that evening, and when I realize the shoes are on clearance, I'm extra extra happy! But the thing is, had the shoes not been on clearance, I would have bought them anyway because it's exactly what I wanted and thus they already have VALUE to me, despite whatever they COST. But if they're not on clearance, I surely am not going to go and ask the clerk for a discount, because that is just ridiculous... so why embarrass myself?

So, when it comes to booking a lady for the evening, why do some gents feel like it is appropriate to ask for a special deal? Do they sometimes get away with it? I mean, are there ladies out there that actually negotiate with them and lower their rates just to see the client?

I don't often get this type of call, but I am specially intrigued by this today because I had a gentleman call me and try to lower my posted amount by 28%! When I declined him, he said "work with me" and offered a slightly more generous amount. At this point the issue is about the principle and the character of the person - I do not want to see someone who will not VALUE the time I spend with them. Moreover, this is actually the third time that he contacts me with the same request. I declined him twice last year and he just does not give up. He may think I don't remember him, or my mood towards this issue has changed since then.. who knows.

For the ladies, what is your response to hagglers? Are there any ladies out there that are willing to negotiate? Do ladies in the 200's and 100's also get this type of call?

For the gents that may have been in this situation in the past - what is your train of thought when you face the decision of negotiating rates with the ladies? Is it that you are unwilling or unable to pay her rate? Or is it less about the money, and more about the feeling that you got a better deal than the rest? Why not just call someone you can afford?

One final observation, I love people of all colors of the rainbows and I have had dates with a variety of gentlemen, but it has occurred to me that those of Indian heritage have a greater tendency to negotiate. Is this something cultural? Is there a history behind this? *Disclaimer* I don't intend to generalize, I have several Indian/Middle Eastern friends with whom I have had no donation problems; but when I come across a haggler, more often than not he is Indian.
citizen44's Avatar
I have got to say, you all have no one to blame but yourselves. There are all kinds of reviews on here showing different rates for the same ladies. You see stupid stuff like DM altering her ads every few dates up or down $10. Almost all of you do the regulars/grandfathered rates thing. While some never alter their rates, most have specials, which shows your willing to bang for less sometimes.

People want consistency and to not feel like they are paying more than others and "getting ripped off".

The other reason is it evidently works. There are a lot of snide comments made by a lot of guys on here that they pay less for most providers. That just adds to the above feeling.

Before any one starts, there is not a provider in Houston that can say I asked for a lower rate after asking what her current rate was. Just not worth the hassle. The closest I came was somewhat incredulous convo with a provider that wanted to charge me 20% more on a two hour than if I paid for two one hour appointments back to back. Knowing it wasn't going to happen, I do admit to screwing with her a bit as I tend to dislike stupid business logic.
pyramider's Avatar
The hagglers just want the satisfaction of a cheap piece of ass. Yet, they would complain if all the pussy was free. I can see them posting here on icky "the session was free but she did not make me a sandwich or give me a cookie.' In short ... fuck 'em. Now about those taint photos ...
Ur_1_only's Avatar
Ok Johanna obviously you have given this subject some thought. We have not met before but we may in future... Lol

Haggling is not something I do with Indies. Feel it's disrespectful, as you have set your rates for a reason. Looked at your P411 and your rate is at the upper end of my price range. So depending upon the level of service I feel will be provided will determine my attempting to schedule a session with said provider.

Now in a strip club haggling is obviously just part of the fun. Many girls in the clubs have GPS and are attempting to get as much money as they can. They are there to make money and it only makes sense for them to do so. If the girl in the club has a warm personality that will go far in my book of getting me to say yes.

Hope this helps regarding your question.
Seeing rates change up and down weekly I sometimes ask are you running a special? Then I say thank you and make up my mind to see that lady or not.
citizen44's Avatar
Feel it's disrespectful, as you have set your rates for a reason.. Originally Posted by Ur_1_only
I totally do not go along with this thought process. This isn't about respect. I'm not making a statement about the "value" of a provider when I agree to pay her rate. I'm buying entertainment. This is business. The only reason I don't bother to haggle is I don't like haggling. Makes it feel like buying a car.
Pretty sure they are looking to get the best deal they can.
Being a buyer in this business I try to feel it but you either have it or you don't. I don't negotiate. You give me a price; if I accept it we play, if it's too high I keep looking.
Indians, funny you mention it. Ever been to India? They have good curry, lol.
ZedX79's Avatar
Was the haggler rhino9? He has a reputation about that. I don't know the success rate on that though.

Haggling is not something I do with Indies. Feel it's disrespectful, as you have set your rates for a reason. Originally Posted by Ur_1_only
I am glad that you have said this as it is very true. Every girl has (or should have) her own business strategy, and her rates are a part of it. It is indeed disrespectful because, as I mentioned originally, when they negotiate they are basically discrediting our worth, but somehow even when they perceive us as "less worthy", they still want us. This, to me, makes absolutely no sense.

We have set our rates for a reason: what makes us feel happy and comfortable in doing this job. No matter what the demand - or lack thereof - is, I would not lower my rates because then it would not be fulfilling to me. The nature of our jobs is very delicate, and we do it happily mainly because of its great rewards. This rewards have an immediate effect on our mood and disposition to be your companion, which in turn also has an effect on the quality of service you're going to get. So why attempt to sabotage our attempts at a good time before we even meet?
Was the haggler rhino9? He has a reputation about that. I don't know the success rate on that though. Originally Posted by ZedX79
I have no intentions of putting anyone on blast. The hagglers know who they are (:
SpiceItUp's Avatar
I don't haggle with a provider over the cost of her services, I consider it uncouth. I rarely even discuss rates at all with the girl directly. If I am unwilling to pay her advertised rate I move on. I may occasionally inquire about a special I saw advertised to see if it is still in effect but that's as far as I take it.

I think the obvious answer as to why some guys do it is that it's a numbers game that is likely effective some percentage of the time. Ask enough ladies for a discount and some will undoubtedly comply. I doubt we'll see much in the way of honesty from those ladies in a thread like this for obvious reasons...

As to the cultural influence you mentioned I'd say that anyone who has travelled to developing countries can tell you that this concept of a "sticker price" set by a business for a product or service has much less meaning in many places. This idea of fixed pricing is largely a western/first world concept. The smaller the business or fewer middlemen between producer and consumer the more flexible pricing becomes. It is commonplace in many countries for haggling to occur on many many goods and services. Not only is it not looked down upon it is normal, expected, and anyone who pays the initial asking price is a sucker. India is one of those countries where vendors have been just as happy to haggle with me for a half hour over a $10 trinket as they were over an expensive hand knotted rug. I can only surmise, but I'm betting these gentlemen you reference mean no disrespect in many cases, it's just the way they may be accustomed to things being done.
Pretty sure they are looking to get the best deal they can.
Being a buyer in this business I try to feel it but you either have it or you don't. I don't negotiate. You give me a price; if I accept it we play, if it's too high I keep looking.
Indians, funny you mention it. Ever been to India? They have good curry, lol. Originally Posted by Moto

Exactly!! It's not like buying a car!! I always think about this analogy as well. I never have been to India, but I absolutely love curry!

P.S. I still have something for you, it's right here in my hand
They haggle because they want to pay a lower price.
They haggle because getting a "deal" makes them feel good.
They haggle because it works. Many ladies will negotiate a reduced rate and the guys know it.
They haggle because they don't want to feel like a sucker. They know that a lot of guys aren't paying the full rate.

If so many ladies didn't give into the haggling, there wouldn't be so much haggling. So your rant should be directed at the ladies who encourage haggling by giving in.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Why do girls post OLD / OUTDATED pictures that are 60lbs ago.

Why girls post comply phony pictures----

Because a lot of the time it works. How many reviews have we read that the girl was a bait and switch. "BUT the little head took control."

I can't imagine the session would be all that good/GFE after beating the girl down on her rate----I wouldn't expect the girl to be too motivated to put a real effort in the session.

Exactly!! It's not like buying a car!! I always think about this analogy as well. I never have been to India, but I absolutely love curry!

P.S. I still have something for you, it's right here in my hand Originally Posted by Johanna
Now you are teasing ... Hmmm. I wonder what that might be. I guess there is only one way to find out, madame.