Reviews - ASPD Reviews - lost 4ever ?

Just curious......has anyone been able to retreive their reviews from ASPD? Miracles do happen...:-)

It sucks that those memories are lost forever.
Not to mention the fact that.......we providers lost the link to some of the best reviews in the world!!

Coming to ECCIE was like starting over again as a newbie......very weird feeling....and not comfortable at all.

Thanks to all of you who kept your ASPD handle. I do have freinds....yay!!!

AAArrrrrrgh !

mikahranae's Avatar
I do believe they are gone for good sweetie. Just try your best to get as many "new" reviews as you can. Most of my clients tell me they just look at recent reviews anyway.
I asked Angelimnot about mine and she told me to do an advanced search but when I did there was still just the one from '07. I asked her what search criteria she used (I asked twice, nicely) and never got an answer back. I'm pretty sure they're gone forever.
GneissGuy's Avatar
There are problems with search. They say they're working on it.
Wildstar's Avatar

The same applies to our reviews. I had upwards of 60 and lost them all...

Oh well, starting from scratch now...

No, you can still get your reviews ladies. If you have them linked to your website or anywhere else, replace the "aspd" part of the review link with "eraps" and bam...there they are.