A Nation of Immigrants

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The following people were immigrants to the United States. This is provided as a counterpoint to all those feel good stories talking about how immigrants make this country stronger.
Charles Ponzi (if you don't know who he is, ask Bernie Madoff who is idol is)

Oliver O'Grady – Former Roman Catholic priest who raped, molested and abused many children in California. He was removed from the United States to Ireland in 2001

John Demjanjuk – Alleged Nazi war criminal from Ukraine, naturalized as a US citizen in 1958. After trial and acquittal in Israel, denaturalized in 2002, and finally deported in 2009 to Germany, which had filed war crimes charges.

Griselda BlancoColombian drug lord for the Medellín Cartel, and a pioneer in the Miami-based cocaine drug trade during the 1970s and early 1980s. Deported to the United States in 2004

Numerous Zetas, murderers, burglars, etc I could name names all day.

Approximately 75,000 people who immigrated to the United States are deported each year after receiving a criminal conviction. No other country in the world even allows that many immigrants each year, total!!
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Your point being.... no immigrants should be allowed? Are you ready to get back on the boat?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Point being is that we should regulate the quality and contributions of immigrants. Just being cannon fodder for rich agriculture interests isn't enough. The burden of the US government alone is 12000 dollars per year per person. Immigrants should be able to pay that and not use any government services they don't pay for for at least ten years, as well as not commit felonies or thefts, don't you think?
I would let as many honest, healthy people a year come in as they want if they paid 250 grand each (including for their children) and didn't commit any crimes and didn't abuse the taxpayers. (We already have enough Democrats abusing the taxpayers now)
Pistol Man's Avatar
I have a client who escaped Vietnam just ahead of the assassination squads with his bride and the clothes they were wearing. 30 plus years later her is relatively successful as a self employed business owner. I have always found it amusing (and he finds it maddening) that each time he makes application to bring one of his Vietnamese relatives to America, he must prove that they will not be a drag on US services and that he has a place for them to live and can support them. And then the process takes an inordinate amount of time.

That is the way the "system" is supposed to operate - unless, of course your native language is Spanish or you're a terrorist coming across the Rio Grande. Then the "system" doesn't seem to give a damn!!!
Jazzplayer's Avatar
JL. Our families all got here one way or another. That is of course you are Native American decent. I would really like to see Dallas restaurants, car washes, lawn service, dry cleaners, maids, hotel staff, construction, domestics et al. Make it one week without help from "Immigrants.". I'm sure you dont use or consume any of the services I mention above; but some of us do and would be picture perfect to watch us mowing your own yard, then go inside and scrub our own toilets...boy oh boy, those immigrants are the cause of all America financial woes....
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
JL. Our families all got here one way or another. That is of course you are Native American decent. I would really like to see Dallas restaurants, car washes, lawn service, dry cleaners, maids, hotel staff, construction, domestics et al. Make it one week without help from "Immigrants.". I'm sure you dont use or consume any of the services I mention above; but some of us do and would be picture perfect to watch us mowing your own yard, then go inside and scrub our own toilets...boy oh boy, those immigrants are the cause of all America financial woes.... Originally Posted by Jazzplayer
That is just cheap labor for cheap assholes who don't want to pay a fair wage and benefits to their workers - why subsidize them?
Plus, my wife could use the exercise mowing the lawn.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Point being is that we should regulate the quality and contributions of immigrants. Just being cannon fodder for rich agriculture interests isn't enough. The burden of the US government alone is 12000 dollars per year per person. Immigrants should be able to pay that and not use any government services they don't pay for for at least ten years, as well as not commit felonies or thefts, don't you think?
I would let as many honest, healthy people a year come in as they want if they paid 250 grand each (including for their children) and didn't commit any crimes and didn't abuse the taxpayers. (We already have enough Democrats abusing the taxpayers now) Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Have you ever research your own background? Just curious.
I am native American......I was born here. I believe you are talking about American Indians. I am not PC, but do believe words mean things, native American means born in America. Even the American Indians migrated by the land bridge from Russia.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Have you ever research your own background? Just curious. Originally Posted by lukeskywalker7667
Yes, I know my family history.....you know, Americans were able to build all the houses, mow there own yards, pick their own cotton, mop kitchen floors and bus tables at restaurants, and build the greatest country in the world without Hispanic immigrants. Now, I like Mexican ladies. But I can't say much for Mexico, the country, and I don't want to import their third world poverty stricken live on corn tortillas way of doing things. Certainly many Mexicans are hard working, and I respect them for that. But we need rich, hard working Mexicans to come here, not poor ones. The ones that come here need to also pay for all the others that come with them, then the next generation that is born here needs to contribute, not take. Somebody needs to pay the bills.
Jazzplayer's Avatar
Abe: duly noted. Please accept my apology. No offense intended
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Abe: duly noted. Please accept my apology. No offense intended Originally Posted by Jazzplayer
No offense taken - did I come off as an angry creepy ass cracker?
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
No offense taken - did I come off as an angry creepy ass cracker? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
No. just as a racist.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
No. just as a racist. Originally Posted by lukeskywalker7667
The bar for being called racist is pretty low - it basically means anyone not afraid to oppose the diversity industry and its fellow liars and morons.
Is there any proof "diversity" is a strength or is that just made up bullshit?
Japan and China do pretty well without much diversity.
Iceland has so little diversity they are used for genetic studies, but they manage to hang on living on a rock with a lotta of ice, though it is melting somewhat.
I'm speaking of racial diversity here, not natural diversity.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I have a client who escaped Vietnam just ahead of the assassination squads with his bride and the clothes they were wearing. 30 plus years later her is relatively successful as a self employed business owner. I have always found it amusing (and he finds it maddening) that each time he makes application to bring one of his Vietnamese relatives to America, he must prove that they will not be a drag on US services and that he has a place for them to live and can support them. And then the process takes an inordinate amount of time.

That is the way the "system" is supposed to operate - unless, of course your native language is Spanish or you're a terrorist coming across the Rio Grande. Then the "system" doesn't seem to give a damn!!! Originally Posted by Pistol Man
here is a larger question..."EACH TIME he makes application to bring one of his Vietnamese relatives to America...."

he finds it maddening, does he? well, how many relatives does he expect to bring? just because America allowed him in as a Refugee, it doesn't follow that he has the right to petition for his relatives... his children, yes... but why anybody else?
Pistol Man's Avatar
Chung Tran: You missed the point that it would be much simpler to learn Spanish and cross the Rio Grande-then those in charge wouldn't care.

If he is "playing by the rules" then why should it matter "how many"? If he can support them-a damn sight better than the taxpayers supporting them!