Male performance drugs.

I am not sure this is the correct forum but I could not find a related thread.

Anybody have advice or information on obtaining viagra, cialis, or other performance enhancing drugs from other than your doctor which to date I have found to be very, very expensive?

I have checked the online drug companies. Any located in the U.S. or Canada require a prescription but the price is still pretty high. The drug companies overseas have better prices but how do tell if the drugs are reliable and safe?


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pyramider's Avatar
Or use the handy Search tab, there are hundreds of these threads.

I'm a satisfied customer, have used them many times with no issues. Only downside is it can take a bit to get through U.S. Customs. I'd say I usually receive my orders within 3 weeks. Most of that is probably time the package spends in Customs.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Why not take supplements, eat right and exercise? None of these have side effects, nor do they introduce foreign chemicals.

Try Korean Gensing, get out in the sun, and take a look at These foods
Bobave's Avatar
Why not take supplements, eat right and exercise? None of these have side effects, nor do they introduce foreign chemicals.

Try Korean Gensing, get out in the sun, and take a look at These foods Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
No offense, but on what possible basis can you speak knowledgeably on the subject? Do any of those things help your dick get erect?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
No offense, but on what possible basis can you speak knowledgeably on the subject? Do any of those things help your dick get erect? Originally Posted by Bobave
Please never assume that a woman is incapable of understanding certain things, just because you are not aware of what she does know, has studied, and discussed with many.

Please don't be offended that I think it's lame and transparent to insult someone in the manner you did me after stating no offense, when clearly that is exactly what you meant to do.

The information I managed to glean, and had you done a little research, rather than be so quick to insult me, was from credible sources. I suggest no one ever believe a thing I say and figure it out for themselves. The experts have lead us astray plenty, so I stay informed and knowledgeable about any suggestion I make and when it concerns any aspect of my business. I'm helpful that way whether you might appreciate that about me or not.

I know even more things the gentlemen can do, than what I shared here, about your erectile dysfunction, but you my friend, will have to pay me for my expert knowledge, even though I only have a vagina. Tell everyone what you know best and less harmful, please. Rather than take opportunities to be hateful and skeptical, which is exactly how you come across here. No offense intended, and I am sorry if the truth hurts.

Lighten up and have a sexy day! You'll feel much better and hopefully learn not to talk out of both sides of your mouth at once. ijs