Time to revisit the definition for NCNS?

Bonferroni's Avatar
After reading another thread relating to NCNS, do we need to revisit the operational definition for the NCNS?

Here is the way I have always viewed it: the appointment time and date has been set, the location has been provided, and both have confirmed the appointment. After all have occurred, if one of the 'parties' does not show, then that is a true NCNS.

Do I have this right?
mtabsw's Avatar
Yep - there is some confusion as to when the clock starts - I think 24 hours is a good number. I was stood up once long ago with "just had an accident" and I was certain it was a better offer etc. She asked me a week later if we could do a make up - and she still had a big-ass pin in her arm and stitches all over when I saw her. I felt horrible for assuming it was just a flake.

Ever since I've thought a day was time enough to get out of the ICU and let me know.

Clearly that's not the standard in the current drama, so I doubt the popcorn crowd would like more polite protocols. btw, the only policy I know of is no NCNS in the review section - but other than that, nada. Personally while I think your heart's in the right place, a common agreement is not likely.