GOP gets its ass whoooped!

eyecu2's Avatar
fuck the polls — Republicans just got their asses handed to them
Republicans, you’re on notice: people are fed up with your bullshit. Well, that was one satisfying bloodbath. Republicans just got the living shit kicked out of them in Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia and elsewhere.

NOV 7th, 2023
well, that was one satisfying bloodbath. Republicans just got the living shit kicked out of them in Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia and elsewhere.

in Ohio, voters overwhelmingly backed a measure protecting abortion rights.

A proposal to enshrine abortion rights in Ohio’s Constitution was approved in a statewide election Tuesday, with a significant number of Republicans joining with Democrats to ensure the measure’s passage.

establishment Republicans had made a bet — and that bet went something like this: women’s anger over the Dobbs decision will fade, and the ladies will go back to obsessing over shoes and deciding what to make hubby for dinner.

pro tip, assholes: the anger is never going to fade.

in Kentucky, Governor Andy Beshear handily won reelection.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear won reelection to a second term Tuesday, notching another significant statewide victory in an increasingly red state that could serve as a model for other Democrats on how to thrive politically heading into next year’s defining presidential election.

Beshear’s opponent was Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, whose main selling point seemed to be “what if Donald Trump were a black man who crimed less.” voters were all, nah bro.

“Daniel Cameron was a rising star in the Republican Party until he decided to throw his lot in with Donald Trump,” Christie said. “I mean, let’s face it: Donald Trump is political and electoral poison down ballot.”

the biggest fucking loser of the night was Glenn Youngkin.

Youngkin’s another one of these dudes whose whole deal is “what if Donald Trump spoke softly and had good table manners,” and oh my god, does our media ever eat that shit up.

the press is absolutely fucking horny for Glenn Youngkin. they root so hard for him to win. check out the kind of love letters they write:

As Mr. Youngkin bounds into the hall in his signature red vest — smile beaming, cheeks ruddy from the wind — he radiates the upbeat, hunky-P.T.A.-dad vibe that helped carry him to victory in 2021. His voice ranges from an urgent whisper to a gargly rasp as he raves not about his personal grievances or some vision of American carnage, but about the “common sense” plans he and his party have for Virginia.

“cheeks ruddy from the wind” — “the upbeat, hunky-P.T.A.-dad vibe.” are you fucking serious?

Youngkin has been trying like hell to bring the MAGA agenda to Virginia, and up to now the only thing standing in his way has been the Democratic-controlled State Senate.

and so ruddy-cheeked hunky-dad Youngkin spent a shitload of money — and did a fuckload of voter suppression — in an effort to oust enough Democrats to flip the Senate and enable him to do all kinds of wonderful and amazing things like outlaw abortion.

but the voters were all “fuck you, you’re going to do none of that shit” and not only did they preserve the Democratic Senate majority, they flipped Virginia’s House of Delegates from red to blue.

Virginia voters resoundingly rejected Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s costly efforts to take control of the General Assembly in Tuesday’s elections, according to unofficial results — flipping the House of Delegates to Democratic control and preserving a blue majority in the state Senate that can block his conservative agenda and prevent Republicans from tightening limits on access to abortion.

and now Youngkin’s entire ruddy-cheeked extremist agenda is effectively dead in the water — and, one hopes, so are his presidential aspirations.

Oh, and in Pennsylvania, this happened:
Holy fuck. In the 75% Republican, racist right wing county in which some folks grew up, they had an all-out fight between a slate of screaming about CRT, transphobic, book banning nazis and five Dems. The Dems swept all five fucking seats.

The Red wave has been shown to be nothing more than a leaky ballpoint pen that was filled with the tears of Libs,a meek amount of fluid enough to be even a red streak on the play book of politics. WE knew that this was horseshit all along, and laughed at the GOP who thought they could cram conservative principles down ppls throats, limit access to reproductive care, and essentially try to gerrymander their way to a win where they lacked actual voters who cared for that mentioned prior.

The Results speak loud enough for all to hear. Fuck You GOP. You not only don't get my vote, or my support- you are gonna lose your states legislation races due to a shitty program and agenda.
Trick Nixon's Avatar
Dick Nixon might have been proud of yesterday.

I know Trick Nixon is
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The Results speak loud enough for all to hear. Fuck You GOP. You not only don't get my vote, or my support- you are gonna lose your states legislation races due to a shitty program and agenda. Originally Posted by eyecu2

I feel the MAGA tears raining down.
fuck the polls — Republicans just got their asses handed to them
Republicans, you’re on notice: people are fed up with your bullshit. Well, that was one satisfying bloodbath. Republicans just got the living shit kicked out of them in Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia and elsewhere.

The Results speak loud enough for all to hear. Fuck You GOP. You not only don't get my vote, or my support- you are gonna lose your states legislation races due to a shitty program and agenda. Originally Posted by eyecu2

... "F*#% the polls" ??

... Mate, when was the last time you looked at the polls??

... The Ohio abortion amendment was POPULAR.
Of course it was gonna win...

... Guv Bashear over Kentucky-way was 14 points AHEAD
of Cameron before Trump endorsed him.... You'll notice
Cameron lost by 6 points. ... Bashear is popular with
BOTH Democrats there and Republicans.

Cameron was the Republican candidate - why wouldn't
Trump endorse him - even with Cameron's sad ties to
Mitch McConnell?

... And over Virginia-way - let's not forget that
Virginia is where most of the DC Swamp lives.
Are YOU really surprised at the results there?

... 'Course all eyes seem to be on Bashear surely holdin'
his Guv spot in Kentucky.

But nobody mentions Tate Reeves over Mississippi-way
surely holdin' HIS!

... You must have forgotten that one. ... Just sayin'

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 11-08-2023, 09:36 PM
A link provided by my friend the Marquis, written by none other than Nate Cohn,

He believes you can't extrapolate the results yesterday to 2024.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
A link provided by my friend the Marquis, written by none other than Nate Cohn,

He believes you can't extrapolate the results yesterday to 2024. Originally Posted by Tiny
I expect that the abortion issue will impact the votes of some voters. But the primary issues affecting the vote right now are inflation/prices, healthcare, climate/environment, economy, immigration, taxes, abortion and civil rights according to a September poll. Of course the order varies from poll to poll and is very dependent on party affiliation.

In my opinion, Biden's main focus between now and election day should be to secure the border. If he can do that in any extent, the main complaint against him will be alleviated.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Seems like we hear about the polls in a daily basis from the Trumpists on this board.

When push comes to shove, the GOP is getting both pushed and shoved.
txdot-guy's Avatar
A certain amount of enjoyment / celebration is certainly warranted. Especially if you worked to get some of these people elected and some of these abortion issues passed. But I would caution against losing focus. The country is certainly still divided on a number of issues. Let's not take our eye off the ball now. Let's vote Democrat in 2024.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Seems like we hear about the polls in a daily basis from the Trumpists on this board.

When push comes to shove, the GOP is getting both pushed and shoved. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What I find ironic is when polls are anti-Trump the Trumpettes are the first to cry how historically inaccurate polls are. When the polls favor Trump, they hop all over them.
... What's with all the "sour grapes" there, lads??

Aint this supposed to be a cheery thread celebratin'
the Dems winning some races??

... Now I'm sure that all o' the elections were fair a----

WAIT! ... Hold onto yer phone! ...
Did I just see PROBLEMS with VOTING MACHINES??! ...

.... Crikey! Wouldja look at that! ... A number of states there
surely had issues with voting machines!

... But no worrys - "NO voting fraud exists." ...

#### Salty
... What's with all the "sour grapes" there, lads??

Aint this supposed to be a cheery thread celebratin'
the Dems winning some races??

... Now I'm sure that all o' the elections were fair a----

WAIT! ... Hold onto yer phone! ...
Did I just see PROBLEMS with VOTING MACHINES??! ...

.... Crikey! Wouldja look at that! ... A number of states there
surely had issues with voting machines!

... But no worrys - "NO voting fraud exists." ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Unshockingly, you’re wrong and inaccurate. In a single county the person setting up the machine made a clerical error in the display of the vote. However the vote was properly registered. So no there was no fraud. And the vote count was correct.
lustylad's Avatar
What I find ironic is when polls are pro-Trump the Trump haters are the first to cry how historically inaccurate polls are. When the polls disfavor Trump, they hop all over them. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yep. Works both ways, don't it?
Unshockingly, you’re wrong and inaccurate. In a single county the person setting up the machine made a clerical error in the display of the vote. However the vote was properly registered. So no there was no fraud. And the vote count was correct. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... Really? ... Is THAT right??

So you're sayin' that just a single county in just one state
had machine issues??

No voting machine issues over New Jersey-way?
None in Houston Texas??

### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Odd that our colleague from across the water would single out New Jersey and Houston. Is that where the voter fraud was that sunk the Republican in Kentucky, or the abortion measure in Ohio?

I think txdot is right. There was an ass whooping administered, but the real focus should remain on the job ahead.

I also believe we saw the nation’s priorities are not necessarily the same as the Trumpists, no matter how large the stream of bulsht being manufactured by the GOP BS machine.
