So who messed up? Escort or me?

Hey guys,

First of all I wanted to thank this forum for all the information it provides. I joined as a noob and learned so many things, thanks again to the mods and all the members on here that make this forum awesome. am new to the hobby but I am slowly putting myself out there.

Today I had a strange experience and I wanted to see who messed up?

Went to see a provider who had reviews. I noticed she had not posted or a while but called her in the am. She told me the hotel she's at and I told her I would be free in the evening, blah blah. She told me to come to her hotel and call when I am there for the room number (two call system). Long story short she didn't pick up a single call when I called her and I am glad I didn't leave to go to her hotel.

Four hours later she calls me and tells me she changed hotels. Its not far so I go and I call her when I get there, once again no picking up when I am at the hotel. Minutes later she picks up and seems surprised I am there so fast but gives me her room number. She kept asking if I was a cop or not, I kept telling her NO lol.

The hotel is a nice upscale hotel. I realize the main door is locked so I was going to turn around and call her when the guy lets me in. This guy was a huge prick but I guess hes doing his job. He asks me why I am here so late, I say I am visiting my sisters friend. He starts asking me her name this and that. I tell him a fake name, he tells me to get out.

As I am walking out he says "you got the room number?" if you do you can go, I said yes I do. As I walk past him again he says wait come back and says "let me call the room". He also wants ID but I say its in my car. He says this name is not on here, so I say thats her nickname, he calls the escort and asks her if shes expecting a guest, she says no. He tells me to "get the fuck out"

I quickly left. I called the escort and she stopped picking up, I texted her what happened but nothing. Big bummer because she was extremely hot and does good service according to the reviews LOL.

So who messed up? Me or her? If shes planning on working at that hotel she certainly chose a terrible hotel. I think I messed up, do you guys agree? Its been bothering me and I want to make sure it does not happen again.

I have plenty of time and plenty of money but I don't like wasting either. This is the fifth time now that I have been "stood up". I am reading reviews, going to girls that charge high, etc ,etc but it seems like I got terrible luck. Either that or this is part of the hobby and I will just have to get used to it.

Thanks for reading
tigerjedi69's Avatar
When a provider picks a hotel, I think they need to take in account whether or not the entrance(s) are locked during certain hours. If a client can't get in, it results in lost business, and we will mention it here. Many of us go late at night and have encountered hotels that have locked doors, and quite often it means that the encounter doesn't take place. Even if we don't post about it here, there's a good chance we will choose not to see the provider again. It can't hurt though to ask if the front door is open.
When a provider picks a hotel, I think they need to take in account whether or not the entrance(s) are locked during certain hours. If a client can't get in, it results in lost business, and we will mention it here. Many of us go late at night and have encountered hotels that have locked doors, and quite often it means that the encounter doesn't take place. Even if we don't post about it here, there's a good chance we will choose not to see the provider again. It can't hurt though to ask if the front door is open. Originally Posted by tigerjedi69
I agree 100%. Now that I think about it, I have stayed at so many hotels and I never recall a hotel entrance being locked.

The plan was that I was going to walk in like I was already staying there. So many cars outside, felt like I would not attract attention. Sucks that he decided to be such a prick. I am more annoyed at the provider, don't understand why she stopped picking up my calls.
So.....who was the provider?
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Both of you. She sounds like a shit head but if you are "going to girls that charge high" but don't have a plan to get you in the building, you are going to girls that overcharge.

I shop on the low end but I would rather deal with a pimp than a locked lobby.
Zippie's Avatar
I've stayed in several hotels lately that require a room key to work the elevator. Something else to consider when picking a hotel.
about no shows but despite cinfirming and reconfirming its at best a 50 / 50 proposition date will actually occur
Lexxxy's Avatar
Omg that sucks! Tav wrote about that here recently and on indys someone wrote about that happening.
If someone shows up crazy early or says they will be there in an hour then shows up in 30 minutes I either don't hear my phone (music and blow drier), don't reply right away because I'm doing makeup or busy doing something to get ready, or I tell them they need to wait until agreed upon time. I only meet at agreed upon time not a minute early.
The first ncns is complete bs I would be pissed of I were you. UNLESS there wasn't a set time and you just showed up at her hotel and called. Some guys like to play the "between 5 and 7" Game if they don't have a set time they don't have a set date and if someone else calls and wants a set time between those times I book with them.
The 2nd one maybe sounds like you showed up crazy early(big no no because you sitting around draws attention don't show up more than 5 early) and she wasn't ready so it was wrong of her to give her room number then tell staff no. She should have told you to go get a coffee or grab her a soda since you were so early.
Sounds like maybe both are at fault unless you had a set time for the 1st date then I would say most of the blame is on her. If you had a set time for the first ncns write a review about her ncns you won't get pa but it will warn others.
This is the second thread recently about a late-night locked lobby door. I have never encountered such a situation, perhaps because I only hobby during the day. If I did, I would never ask the gatekeeper to let me in. I would see if the provider can open a side door. If not, I would leave.
Amber Does's Avatar
As a provider I would have let you in the side door if you said you were there... I always try to check out entrances and dont stay in hotels that require elevator key

She seems like a flake whoever she is
This is the second thread recently about a late-night locked lobby door. I have never encountered such a situation, perhaps because I only hobby during the day. If I did, I would never ask the gatekeeper to let me in. I would see if the provider can open a side door. If not, I would leave. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
I don't care who the provider is, but I'd want to know what Hotel to avoid LOL
If you are posting on this board and we give honest info you should actually name the provider and hotel so we do not get in that situation.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
If you are posting on this board and we give honest info you should actually name the provider and hotel so we do not get in that situation. Originally Posted by makethe33
Can you name both at once? If you put the exact motel in a indy review, they edit it as too specific. But you can give the street address of a spa.
if i cant just walk through the front door , im off to the next , wouldnt give it a second thought about her if she couldnt figure that one out
you're probably not the first one the escort has done this just hasnt come out yet..