Who is the keeper of the clock? Hobbiest or Provider

Topgun007's Avatar
Hypothetically of course

Wow! That was an amazing date, lots of fun, wine, and excellent company. It was your first time seeing this provider, lots of positive energy and plenty of great sex. Tons of orgasms. You had booked an hour but it ran much longer.

A month later you set up the next date, she asks, "how long"? You say "at least an hour". To me that means an hour and 15-20 minutes, because you are catching up from the last visit while you enjoy your adult beverage.
This is one is way over the the top also. New positions, lots of orgasms and lots of fun again.
Again, this date runs even longer. Your Provider says I need to go but continues to cum back for more fun. At the end of the night, she is upset because the date ran way longer. The hobbiest's offers more money to her the next day but she feels taken advantage of and is upset. She has possibly lost a regular client. Which is her choice.

Is it the hobbiest's responsibility in the middle of fun and games to say, bye bye
I only paid for an hour of your time and we are past that?
Who is responsible for the clock?
Is it possible that the provider is having so much fun that she is on her own time to promote herself and pursue a regular client?

Please way in, I am interested to here from all.
AllThisMeat's Avatar
Some of your narrative was hard to follow, however, I shall attempt to respond as I understand your questioning.

I've had many an encounter that I've booked for quick sessions, half-hours and hour sessions which have run over on time. I am always aware of the time a lady is with me and how much time I have left. There are times when, due to her positive responses to our activities, we have gone over our time or we were approaching our time limit and I asked her how she'd like to handle things.

Some ladies want to keep playing. Others, ask you to wrap it up so you can end the session. If you move to stop things and she persists in pursuit of play time, I suggest going along with it but, tip her as well as you're able at the end of the session or offer a consolation in lieu of additional funds.

Remember, no matter how much fun she appears to be having, she's at work. You can't go to a bartender and have them pour you drinks all night for free without them expecting some type gratuity.

Having said that, I'll summarize by saying that it is everyone's responsibility to watch the clock. Always be specific as possible in your time allotment. If you plan to spend 20 minutes chatting and want a full hour of play time on top of that, work that into your budget per her rates. If she decides she only wants to charge you for the hour (which I choose to pay up front to avoid such post coital debates over rates), then you have that already covered.
Helicopter206's Avatar
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
As said before, it is the responsibility of both parties to be mindful of the time.

I'll relate the most recent experience of mine:

I set a date with a fairly well known lady who will remain nameless. In setting the date, I was fairly clear, as in I put it in writing, that I was looking for a 2 hour appointment. This was accepted and I arrived and dropped the donation for 2 hours. At 1:05 apparently it was time for me to go.

I don't argue, I don't cause a scene. I don't badmouth people on the forums. But, I don't forget either. She was damned interested in having me come back, and to this day chats me up whenever we are in Chat at the same time. Apparently she thinks I'm one hell of a tipper.
Good topic. It should be both partys responsibility. But are we taking this specific situation to the board? Really? You said at least an hour stayed for three and compensated me for one. I take responsibility for not checking the envelope first, you should have been considerate enough to let me know that you only brought enough for one hour. Please direct any future comments about our "issue" to my PM box thanks.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
As said before, it is the responsibility of both parties to be mindful of the time Originally Posted by Enchanterlingum
Although true, miscommunication can lead to war. The Americans won the battle of Trenton in 1776 cause the German mercenaries the Brits had hired, ignored information that was crystal clear and presented/posted beforehand.

Always, always make sure the clock repairs are taken care of. Seriously, you did ask to break the clock.
KCQuestor's Avatar
Remember, no matter how much fun she appears to be having, she's at work. You can't go to a bartender and have them pour you drinks all night for free without them expecting some type gratuity. Originally Posted by AllThisMeat
If a bartender pours me a drink without me asking for it, I assume she is buying. I will tip her, but she won't get the full bar price of the drink.

If I am on a paid date and we go over the hour because we are having a good time together, I will tip her but I won't expect to pay the hourly rate for the extra time.

That being said, I am very conscious of the time and always mention that the time is getting near. On more than one occasion I've had a lady say "I'm in no rush" or "Don't worry about it."
Misawahawk's Avatar
I always leave early. It's better to leave early than overstay. I'm mindful of the time but I'm not worried about it. I hate asking how much time is left. Makes me feel cheap
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A tip is always given for good service. Would you feel cheated if you got just the minimum required service. If the service was above and beyond the call shouldn't you show your gratitude?
Guest012814's Avatar
Knowing the time left is both parties responsibility, but from a male perspective, I feel that the larger responsibility lies with the hobbyist.

You are paying a provider for her time. If you only brought enough for an hour, then stay an hour. If you want to stay longer, then be upfront about that and pay your provider for the extra time. She is giving herself to you and making herself available for you. At the very least it's gentlemanly to pay for the time she given you.

Yes, sometimes sessions run over time for a myriad of reasons. But saying a provider "was having too much fun so we ran over time" is a bit of a cop out IMHO. Truly great providers are all about making it light, fun, and making you feel like she's having just as much fun as you are.
But as AllThisMeat stated, no matter her personality, the activities etc, she's working. A respectful hobbyist knows this and always at the very least offers to compensate a provider for the extra time she spent with you above and beyond what you had agreed upon.
I think it's valid that a provider would feel taken advantage if she went above and beyond, spent extra time to please, and this extra effort wasn't even acknowledged or an attempt made to compensate her for the extra effort.
Not acknowledging the extra time and effort given with an offer extra donation, a tip etc is taking advantage of the situation.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Good topic. It should be both partys responsibility. But are we taking this specific situation to the board? Really? You said at least an hour stayed for three and compensated me for one. I take responsibility for not checking the envelope first, you should have been considerate enough to let me know that you only brought enough for one hour. Please direct any future comments about our "issue" to my PM box thanks. Originally Posted by ChloeBB
Although the OP did not mention names, I think Chloe handles herself well in this thread. She could have said nothing, but not knowing if the OP has communicated the issue to others by different means, she defends herself, takes a shared responsibility and asks that their issue be handles properly - privately.

Kudos Chloe.
Guest012814's Avatar
Although the OP did not mention names, I think Chloe handles herself well in this thread. She could have said nothing, but not knowing if the OP has communicated the issue to others by different means, she defends herself, takes a shared responsibility and asks that their issue be handles properly - privately.

Kudos Chloe. Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
If you pay for an hour, you're entitled to an hour. It's fun and feels great, but it is still business. If I hang around after my time is up, or she gives a little extra time, some compensation is in order. It's just common courtesy and will be appreciated and remembered....usually.
malwoody's Avatar
Hypothetically of course
Or maybe not..
Wow! That was an amazing date, lots of fun, wine, and excellent company. It was your first time seeing this provider, lots of positive energy and plenty of great sex. Tons of orgasms. You had booked an hour but it ran much longer.
Did you make any effort to compensate for the "much longer."?
A month later you set up the next date, she asks, "how long"?
Hello Mcfly....maybe, just maybe she asked that because you took advantage of her sweet nature the first time..
You say "at least an hour". To me that means an hour and 15-20 minutes,
Put yourself in her place for just a minute...the first time you "booked an hour but it ran much longer."...Sooo..what do you think she would think "at least an hour" really means??
but she feels taken advantage of and is upset.
Wow..I wonder why??

She has possibly lost a regular client. Which is her choice.
Sounds like a threat...she must be freaking out over losing a client who overstays his welcome..
Is it the hobbiest's responsibility in the middle of fun and games to say, bye bye
I only paid for an hour of your time and we are past that?
Who is responsible for the clock?
Apparently you don't believe it is yours.."responsibility"
Is it possible that the provider is having so much fun that she is on her own time to promote herself and pursue a regular client?
Shame on her for enjoying what she does...and there is that "regular client" crap again...
Please way in, I am interested to here from all.
Thanks Originally Posted by Topgun007
Okay I'll "way"..weigh in....

malwoody's Avatar
Originally Posted by Helicopter206

Good topic. It should be both partys responsibility. But are we taking this specific situation to the board? Really? You said at least an hour stayed for three and compensated me for one. I take responsibility for not checking the envelope first, you should have been considerate enough to let me know that you only brought enough for one hour. Please direct any future comments about our "issue" to my PM box thanks. Originally Posted by ChloeBB
You are correct IMO Sweetie...the OP should have kept it private...but since he didn't, I couldn't resist jumping in...you should be careful though...after all you wouldn't want to lose a "regular client"....especially one who pays for "at least an hour" and stays "way over"....

That being said, I am very conscious of the time and always mention that the time is getting near. On more than one occasion I've had a lady say "I'm in no rush" or "Don't worry about it." Originally Posted by KCQuestor
Questions the OP apparently did not feel compelled to ask..

Knowing the time left is both parties responsibility, but from a male perspective, I feel that the larger responsibility lies with the hobbyist.

You are paying a provider for her time. If you only brought enough for an hour, then stay an hour. If you want to stay longer, then be upfront about that and pay your provider for the extra time. She is giving herself to you and making herself available for you. At the very least it's gentlemanly to pay for the time she given you.

Yes, sometimes sessions run over time for a myriad of reasons. But saying a provider "was having too much fun so we ran over time" is a bit of a cop out IMHO. Truly great providers are all about making it light, fun, and making you feel like she's having just as much fun as you are.
But as AllThisMeat stated, no matter her personality, the activities etc, she's working. A respectful hobbyist knows this and always at the very least offers to compensate a provider for the extra time she spent with you above and beyond what you had agreed upon.
I think it's valid that a provider would feel taken advantage if she went above and beyond, spent extra time to please, and this extra effort wasn't even acknowledged or an attempt made to compensate her for the extra effort.
Not acknowledging the extra time and effort given with an offer extra donation, a tip etc is taking advantage of the situation. Originally Posted by Bcdrummer
+1...Spoken by someone who get's it...IMO..

Although the OP did not mention names, I think Chloe handles herself well in this thread. She could have said nothing, but not knowing if the OP has communicated the issue to others by different means, she defends herself, takes a shared responsibility and asks that their issue be handles properly - privately.

Kudos Chloe. Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
+1 Indeed "Chloe handles herself well"...and not just in this thread..