Mini-Tour Early October!? Input Please!

thirdchild's Avatar
I am trying to set up a mini-tour in the following cities:

San Antonio
San Angelo

I am thinking the first week in Oct....not too sure yet, just putting out feelers to see if anyone is interested?

Call or text me: 806-786-5646
Email or YIM me:

Dates are kind of flexible!

Hit me up with your thoughts!


MODS::: If you gotta pull this, move this or delete this, please just tell me and don't give me another dang infraction! We need a special place to put things like this! lol
It depends on the details and what's going on in real life but I'd always consider a quick visit with you when you're in San Angelo.
thirdchild's Avatar
But I can't post til the 22nd...thanks to the powers that be! lol

Stay tuned!

Y'all can contact me for more info tho!

call or text me: 806-786-5646
YIM or email me:

thirdchild's Avatar
Mini-Tour canceled..due to lack of interest...not on my part!

I'm always open to setting up a new one, y'all let me know!
