Long Shot Warning.. Ebola in Dallas

nuglet's Avatar
Just announced on the news that there is a confirmed case of Ebola in Dallas as of today.. It's a long shot, but considering how bad this shit is, and how contagious, just thought it worth mentioning since that's in our back yard. Can't see how it would effect us in Austin, but ya never know, and with this stuff, there's no, or not much, "going back".
cckid2006's Avatar
Paranoia is rampant! Expected better from you nuglet.

From a reliable source:

"We do know how to stop Ebola’s further spread: thorough case finding, isolation of ill people, contacting people exposed to the ill person, and further isolation of contacts if they develop symptoms. The U.S. public health and medical systems have had prior experience with sporadic cases of diseases such as Ebola. In the past decade, the United States had 5 imported cases of viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) diseases similar to Ebola (1 Marburg, 4 Lassa). None resulted in any transmission in the United States."

fun2come's Avatar
Now if the CDC just could find a cure for idiotic drivers on I-35, by isolating them in public transportation....

THX cckid2006, for helping others to NOT subscribe to this State of Fear
Bob McV's Avatar
well this explains the mass influx of Dallas ladies over the last few days!
fun2come's Avatar
well this explains the mass influx of Dallas ladies over the last few days! Originally Posted by Bob McV
oh, please, you and bc00 ... share the trophy ... get a visit from Bonn11
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah blame Obama.

Ah just hope thet nun'o'them lib'rl yay-hoos frum ol' Big D decide ta cum on down fer ACL an' spred thet thar Ebolerooski ta all us good folk hyar in A-town. If' it whar up ta me, Ah put a wall 'round thet thar Sodomite City. It's gotta be tha end times fo' shore what wif a biblimacal type plague a-goin' 'round. Ah jus' mite hunker down in mah ol' CIA bunker an' ride this whole mess out till Jerry Jones an' Mark Cuban kill each other a-fightin' o'er tha last haz-mat suit in Dallis. If'n enny o' y'all l'il fillies wanna join meh in mah bunker, lemme know a-fore Ah seal it up. Ah won't charge ya much. An' if'n yer short on cash, Ah'll take gold r' pussy in trade. Ah pree-fers gold, but Ah reckon we-uns culd practice a-bonin' tha FUK outta each other in case we gots ta re-popumalate tha werld like 'nother Adam n' Eve. An' no fellers need apply. I was Adam n' Eve, not Adam n' Steve. 'Lessin' yer Stevie Nicks.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-01-2014, 09:27 AM
The arrogance of the CDC astounds me...

When is the last time a government run or funded entity ever performed as expected?

No further comment on this.
Bob McV's Avatar
oh, please, you and bc00 ... share the trophy ... get a visit from Bonn11 Originally Posted by fun2come
what? the penalty for a bad joke is a visit from Bon11 ? I think that is against the Geneva convention. Cruel and unusual punishment!

We all know they are coming down for ACL but that isn't near as funny as Ebola
nuglet's Avatar
It wasn't an alert of even a "HEY LOOK" fellas. More of an FYI.. just another day at the dog pound.
nuglet's Avatar
Dude, it was just a note from the news, not an alert. There's no danger that I know of, but a lot of the boys here, go to Dallas and play. so a common sense fyi notice seemed warranted. You're the first one to jump to the word PARANOIA.. calm down, Your " reliable source statement is just plain stupid.. He changed planes to get to Dallas, thus how many contacts were made? I dont' know.. obviously you do.. I'm not worried or concerned, but then I don't play outside of town as much as many of you do. Go back to sleep.

Paranoia is rampant! Expected better from you nuglet.

From a reliable source:

"We do know how to stop Ebola’s further spread: thorough case finding, isolation of ill people, contacting people exposed to the ill person, and further isolation of contacts if they develop symptoms. The U.S. public health and medical systems have had prior experience with sporadic cases of diseases such as Ebola. In the past decade, the United States had 5 imported cases of viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) diseases similar to Ebola (1 Marburg, 4 Lassa). None resulted in any transmission in the United States."

http://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/20...rmed-case.html Originally Posted by cckid2006
cckid2006's Avatar
Now if the CDC just could find a cure for idiotic drivers on I-35, by isolating them in public transportation....

THX cckid2006, for helping others to NOT subscribe to this State of Fear Originally Posted by fun2come
The traffic fatalities in Texas last year were higher than the TOTAL fatalities caused by the current Ebola "epidemic."

Thanks for redirecting us to things that can actually kill us.
cckid2006's Avatar
I had just read the "alert" when I saw your past and overreacted to your "coed discussion."

I don"t know how many contacts he made when he wasn't infected. If you studied this at all you would know he wasn't contagious until he was in Dallas and started vomiting and had the runs. The hospital did screw up by letting him go after he admitted he had been to Liberia, but at the time he didn't have diarrhea and vomiting.

Paranoia - yes I stand by that! You are much more likely to get killed driving to Dallas than dying from Ebola. Get real!

Dude, it was just a note from the news, not an alert. There's no danger that I know of, but a lot of the boys here, go to Dallas and play. so a common sense fyi notice seemed warranted. You're the first one to jump to the word PARANOIA.. calm down, Your " reliable source statement is just plain stupid.. He changed planes to get to Dallas, thus how many contacts were made? I dont' know.. obviously you do.. I'm not worried or concerned, but then I don't play outside of town as much as many of you do. Go back to sleep. Originally Posted by nuglet
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-02-2014, 09:20 AM
I am less concerned about the one guy in the hospital than his many people he has interacted with. Has his family that he is with been isolated?

The poo-pooing and minimalization of this disease by the CDC scares me the most.

There were Doctors trained how to keep from being infected over there and many of them died. So anyone with common sense has to ask if they know as much as they want us to THINK they know?
nuglet's Avatar
I'm with you Toyz.. he's no longer the problem, but who he came in contact with and who THOSE come in contact with.. as for the threat to us.. bah humbug.. since I started writing this reply about 15 seconds ago, more than enough people have dropped litters to replace any loss of life.
It's not like reasonable population control will happen in our life.. lol
Whispers's Avatar
It started with the one guy right?

Now 4 are isolated that he came in contact with and 18 are being monitored?

The idea of slamming ANYONE here, EVEN Nuglet, for simply bringing a subject up that concerns the health and well being of any of us is rather pathetic.

Thanks for the heads up Nuglet..... Some people check into ECCIE more than then they read the news