ugly unemployment numbers

Missburger's Avatar

Orange man should be a delight to speak to today as he goes off the rails, open up today pence now open it up
Next Best Thing's Avatar
MissBurger don't you think the relationship between the spike in unemployment and the health care hysteria is pretty evident to everyone and that only agenda-driven media are trying to assign this to DJT?

Seems like it may be because it looks like most of the electorate approve of the handling of this shit and the president's approval ratings dwarf those of predation-media.
Missburger's Avatar
MissBurger don't you think the relationship between the spike in unemployment and the health care hysteria is pretty evident to everyone and that only agenda-driven media are trying to assign this to DJT?

Seems like it may be because it looks like most of the electorate approve of the handling of this shit and the president's approval ratings dwarf those of predation-media. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
are we to believe polls now? lol

yes but the buck stops with him

rememb er what he said in feb about the virus

he owns it

media has nothing to do with it thats just the right wing

btw trump is no conserative republican h es a liberal if you read that stimulus bill
Next Best Thing's Avatar
He's a former New York liberal who now comes across as a right-leaning centrist.

It can be expected that in a perceived emergency the government is going to intervene which gives the appearance of liberalism.

I don't really believe polls but there's little more apparent than the regressing credibility of mainstream media.

Prolly 10 or 15 reasons for this, political favoritism is #1.

Project Veritas has utterly crushed the viability of CNN to anyone with an ounce of objectivity.

Jeff Zucker is an ideologue. The New York Times and The Washington Post are pure propaganda.
Zollner's Avatar
Project Veritas in a 2018 book on propaganda and disinformation in U.S. politics, three Harvard University scholars refer to Project Veritas as a "right-wing disinformation outfit".

Project Veritas, probably funded by Putin, has less credibility than FAUX News, you know the Orange man's State News channel! Only poorly educated rightie mindless sheep, a few cans short of a six-pack, lend either any credence!

Over the years Trump called himself BOTH a New York liberal and who now morphed himself into a right-leaning centrist to win over a bunch of rightie simpletons who don't know the difference! He is neither! He simply is just another typical New York City BIGMOUTH LYING BLOWHARD CON-ARTIST opportunist, he HAS been his entire life who learned long ago in NYC, a sucker is born every minute! Seen plenty of those bigmouth blowhard's after being in The City for a few years.

The Democrat party knew this and rejected him outright!
Trump saw it much easier to CON Republicans a party far more susceptible to LYING BIGMOUTH BLOWHARD CON-ARTISTS! You can say Orange man found those SUCKERS he needed! So Orange man CONNED em and we got and suffer from the results.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
I guess cut and pasting is probably less adolescent girl than meme bombing?

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Project Veritas records scumbag politicians and their staffers talking shit. Largely responsible for bouncing Claire McKaskill out of the US Senate and then straight to on liberal oasis CNN.

A lot of high-quality investigative work on Zucker and his minions.

Straight from the horse's mouth material.

Mainstream media and the herd of bleating sheep hate them.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
probably funded by Putin Originally Posted by Zollner
Classic symptom of end-stage TDS
Zollner's Avatar
nbt... Do you like your Kool-Aid with ice???

Zollner's Avatar
Classic symptom of end-stage TDS Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Drink up sweetheart.....

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Project Veritas are just good old-fashioned guerilla media, Z.

How does one explain the Jeff Zucker material. Or the New York Times staff-meeting fiasco.

They're like grad student versions of Tom Fitton, who I am sure also triggers you no end?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I'm waiting for Z to tell us about all the money he's lost in the last 3 days.
Zollner's Avatar
I'm waiting for Z to tell us about all the money he's lost in the last 3 days. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Still overall negative like most on Wall St.
All those 'Trump gains' going back 15 months are still underwater.

Guess seeing the 'big picture' is somehow beyond your wee trumpy brain....js
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Still overall negative like most on Wall St.
All those 'Trump gains' going back 15months are still underwater. Originally Posted by Zollner
Except he's been your President for more than 15 months, Z.

Overall negative?

Under 20,000 when Hussein finally left town. That's def less than 22,500, yes?

Three years ago already, seems like yesterday.
lilylivered's Avatar
three Harvard University scholars Originally Posted by Zollner

HaHaHa left wing weirdos